Monday, July 11, 2005

INXS Rock Star

Summer repeats has us all down a bit for those that love the Tele. However, a new show started tonight that has drawn itself to me. INXS is picking a new front man to replace its fallen leader Michael Hutchinson. Brooke Burke and Dave Navarro and INXS are going to the people who say you are fired and who will rate the talent. Tonight's first task, sing for the group.

Jordis Baba O'Reilly Young and a chick. All tatted out, no real stage pressence but can sing. Looks like a dark haired tatted out Hilary Duff. Rated her performance an 8

Marty You really go me: More shouting than singing. Too much jumping around. Bad choice of songs. 6

Tara Middle of the road. Sang a pretender song. Good singer. 7

Neal Brown Sugar:Looks like Mick. Did not think his voice was that great 6

Daphe Blondie song 7.5 good song for her voice

Ty Cult of Personality cannot tell if this one is that great. too many edits 7

Dana Knocking on heavens door. Looks like Kira Sedgwick. Not bad just kind of slow. 7

Diana Blonde Girls Singing ..take a little piece of my heart. Dark low voice. Not bad 8

Mig Smells like teen spirit: The band is really good. Not a good song for him Sounds like Duran Duran singing Grunge song. Place going nuts but that is for the song.. 6

Jessica Hole song Good song for her voice. 7

Will We can be heros. Good song for him Did not sho much of him singing 7

Heather Red head Burning down the house 7

Brandon Kiss Rock and Roll DOnt show much of him either. 7

JD American Woman All show not too serious about singing 6

Suzy Remedy Black Crows: Missed her que and messed it up but a better voice than most the others. 7.5

Overall the girls are better than the guys. Now they are at the mansion and everyone is drinking, singing and crying. The girls def have better voices than the guys and I hope they are not going to hold their sex against them. If INXS truely wants a new sound they should start fresh.

The show is too supportive. Why is this happening with reality shows. They kept JD and told him that e over did it. Dana, great tone but songs was pitchy and suzy forgot lyrics.... Jd got saved no its down to the two last girls. Suzy was saved and Dana was cut and they go over and get down on their knees to say sorry. Now Brooke is going to tell them how hard it is etc. Se does look great.

Overall, the show can survive the season. It is interesting enought so far. Need to change so much of the love.