Monday, October 11, 2004

Cat Attack

Now, let me start by saying I never ever was cat person. But I have two rescue cats because I could not fathom the idea of letting them die on the streets. By the way you should feel that way too. Any way, I have an odd thing happen over the past few weeks that I need to share.

With the playoffs going on in NY a few of the games are broadcast on ESPN thru UPN 9. This is important to the story because I keep a TV on in every room and when the games go off, the TV plays UPN9 shows until I turn the station. So of the two cats I saved I have one that is very curious and active since it is only two yrs old. So the one night, I do not see the young cat Maggie (real name is Magnolia in Asuela) for the whole night. So I go up into my bedroom to perhaps see her sleeping on the bed, but no. She is mesmerized by the tv to point where she does not see me enter the room. What is she watching I begin to ask myself. I come up on the TV and there she is watching the WWF or WWE whatever it is called now. I am not a big fan of the WWF or E, since it is boring. But I had to move her to go to bed. Well the cat gave me a look. I was actually scared. Well not really. Anyway, the night passes and I have this very tall next Anwar (SP) to my bed.

In the middle of the night, I hear a noise that wakes me up. I look up and rub the sleep from my eyes and a flash of gold hits me from above my head. They golden eyes of Maggie. And as I look at her, she gleams over and then jumps on my stomach and it hurts. She scurrys off and then repeats it every time she realizes that I fell asleep. I then realize that she learned to do a body slam from that damn WWF or E and it is a tool in her arsenal to be used to get me to perform the tasks that she expects from me.

It is very strange watching a cat jumping on you with her elbow exposed to slam your throat, meowing "Can you smell what the cat is cooking. It actually smelled like Chinese food.

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