Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A Two for Tuesday

Paris is up first tonight. Sang a Prince song..She has a good voice, Song kind of boring..Randy said good, Paula said she likes the old stuff..Simon said screechy and boring. I give her about 17 on her first.

Chris up next..He is walking around with the mic alot..I hate when they come out and in the crowd...I forget the name of this song but it sounds like his others..I give him a 17.5..Randy said he was the shit, Paula set the far bar apart....Simon was better than the first two so I did not see the first one.

Katherine and Taylor next..

Katherine born the year I graduated HS...Dress like a little slut ouch first note was bad..picked a good a song but seems off in the first part...not holding the notes in the middle could have sung it better but not too bad, the arrangement is different and at the end we see some of her range..She has limits to her range which she knows..Gotta give her a 17..She looks like she was going to cry..

Taylor born in 76....1876...Singing play thaet funky music. Good choice for him but I do not see him being the next big idol.. He does make it fun..too much running and dancing and not enough singing...17 The crowd loves him....Not sure what Randy and Paula are saying...Simon said it was a horrible wedding performance..Now Randy and him are laying next to each other. Randy looks to comfortable laying next to a dude

Elliot up next....Home by Mike Bubble....Looking like a monkey in his suit..and his teeth coming out of his head. Doing a really good job with the song...give him an 18...Randy said likes his tender side...Paula said she is melting...Simon said the song might become his anthem....There was a miscue and he ran off stage....

Paris singing be without you..This is going to be great. This is almost as good in parts as the original..Sounds like she has a bad throat but still tops above the other singers... 19 for the effort...Both Paula and Randy said something..Simon said she did a great job..Paris is looking very sexy tonight

Chris singing I dare you....Not sure what song is but it sounds like the first..He cannot help it.. But then Herman was a great character for ...what was his name again.. Singing screaming like he does 18..sounds the same...Randy said it was ok, not a great song same thing from Paula..Simon said great first song you will be ok..

Christine singing Blackhorse and a cherry tree..Two guys playing the box drum bongos and trying to look down her shirt but did a fantastic job singing this one..Hitting all the notes...19..Randy said more like the bitch I grew to love..Paula said the same thing..Simon said it is a strange song..Different younger and good choice of songs....

Taylor Hicks doing a Beatle song which is very contemporary...Loophole...The arrangements are off tonight but he is doing a good job...Too slow a bit..When will the first idol make a political statement on the show...This is not a rebel song, this is Sunday ....17,,,Show went mono..Randy and Paula said nothing..Simon confused the song is 30 years old,,and they cut him off...

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