Tuesday, May 05, 2009

AI Down To Four

Ryan out tonight to welcome us very live as he says..They had a strange day on the set. An accident has left the singers unprepared..Duets tonight..Odd...Alison should do leather and lace..Perhaps she should do it with Chris...Slash is in the house..Just never went anywhere without GUNS N Roses..Hmmmmm are the catering to Adam... Sometimes his music is stuck in the pre-grunge last stand of rock and roll era..Well its time to sell out and promote Mr Slash...

Adam..Led Zep..This is a first and it is rock and roll....Ricky Minor hitting it hard....He is starting off fast..the whole song is a little fast and is coming off like it is yelling. Its the Broadway production of the song...8....Too short to do the some right..Its too much in your face and what makes this song great is the fact that it is subtle and loud..He can scream isn tune....Randy said Yo Yo Yo listen..I love this rock star tonight..You and Slash could make a record..Kara said you are a rock God..Classic and Glam and vocal stuff and do it..SCREAM..Paula said the band sounded great and you are a whole lotta perfect..Simon said it was understated to laughs and it could have been a disaster and it was a hard song and it was good..Nobody can top it...Ryan said first time for Zep...

Alison up next...Looking like a hot mess..I wonder if Slash hit it this week...Cry Baby..I think this is Janis.....Perfect for her voice and she is hugging the mic..She is singing it in tune and hitting all the subtle parts of the song as if she was around when it came out...Nice job..We are getting a show tonight...8.5.. I think she did better than Adam..Randy said you can sing your face off but it was a bad song choice and it was just a cry baby thing..I think he is wrong...Kara said right person wrong song..Paula said bio pic Janis Joplin roll..Simon said you are 17 and where you are is staggering... Tried to sound too much like Janis and make it.. not sound original.. I think they are wrong but now there is a fight going on..I cannot wait for the first live meltdown....

Chris and Danny...Renegade by STYXX...An Interlude..First part really good but the music kicked in and it became pitchy at first but then came back in line..Nice job I am not sure if I am supposed to judge this...Randy said the harmonies were good, individual vocals ok..Kara said you are not renegades..Sum of the parts are better..Paula said its great introductions to powerful compelling things....Simon said Danny you were better than Chris...

Chris Allen up next....AK in house...Doing the Beatles..Come Together??? Singing it well.. I am not mad at him. Its a cover but not a bad one..Its different and a really good job...9...Hit it well..Randy said so you picked it not blown away but loved the way you played the guitar..Kara said it not great...Paula said it is difficult to see a signature behind you and I always see when you are laughing..an artist with a stage...Simon said I did not like it...

Danny...Dream On....Hard Song..Ya know all these singers are doing hard songs....Why is he in a 3 piece suit...Little behind the music at first... Sounds nasal in some parts and not off but different at the start..The arrangement is off cause its a song that needs to build and it jumps to parts..Doing a good job...End was just screaming and odd..8.....People love it..Randy said Yo its not your genre but it was ok but I say you tried to do it...Kara said you added edge but it was too far..Paula said go with the song that you are drawing and I am a fan of yours and it was not a favorite but whose a fan..Simon said the last note was a horror movie..Friday the 13th..Paula's boobs boobs are hanging out tonight.....

Adam and Ally.. Slow Ride..Horrible choice...Cheese dick song..Its slow but they can sing it so I guess that makes up..God its just a horrible song...The original was tooo...Danny and Chris were better....Randy loved it and that was the bomb..Kara said it was right and you pushed each other..Paula said you two are married but I will tell you duet and synch and pretty..Simon said you won the show for the duets and Adam you may have saved Alison...

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