Thursday, September 15, 2005

Survivor Guatemala

Tonight we see the return of Survivor. I have to say the show has staying power. Fun to watch and fun to bet on. We have been teased all week with the two mystery return Survivor All-Stars. Who will it be..Probably not Richard, he will be starring in Survivor-Federal Prison. Got to pay them taxes boy. Lets see how they are dumped into the wilderness. I wish they would take a plane and crash it into the mountain and see how many survive the crash. Then those survivors would have to hike 20 miles to camp. Once at camp they would make fire for the first time, and then help CBS place products for the rest of the season. Here we go. Probst has them all lined up and in tribes. They will be given Myan tools and Bobbie John and Stephanie from the other season. Bobbie is the first to freak out. He is in love with her from the show and he is flaming. The girls love Bobbie John.

First challenge is for reward. 11 mile trek for dibs on the best camp, with flint. So everyone is just walking through the woods. One guy is an ex nfl quarterback. A branch with spikes on it hits one guy. A nurse in the group comes to his aid. The thorns are now making him throw up. Night has fallen and the two tribes have to stop where they are and get up in the morning to figure out where they are. There are monkeys and other animals making crazy noises. It is now daybreak and the two tribes meet in the woods. Now it is a foot race. Bobby John is now cramping up and the tribe is like freaking out because he was the ringer for their team. Nakum is in the lead at the canoe but Yaxha is gaining. Bobby John is cramping again and another guy fell in quicksand. Nakum wins best camp and flint. The Yaxha team has to canoe to the crap camp. Too bad they did not know how bad Bush and his crew would screw up this country. We could have had a survivor Baghdad or New Orleans and pumped some money into the US.

So now the loser are heading to their camp which is across the lake. They keep showing crocs like they are going to kill them, but they are actually hired for the show and kept by Disney. Back to Nakum and the dude is still throwing up now with about 5 others. The nurse chic is earning her keep. Maybe they should name the show ER. All the guys are down. The next day. Perhaps day break brings salvation. The first immunity challenge. The idol this time is a little dude sitting in a squat position. They have to paddle, grab a torch. They then have to come in and move the boat through the land using logs. The race is on, and they are in a dead heat coming to the beach. Yaxha is in the lead. Lots of legs getting caught. Yaxha wins and they get flint as well. Of course the flint is made by Flints Unlimited at

Back from commercial the old guy tells the nurse he snapped his bicep. The guy is down again. You have to vote him out. The other dudes need to hydrate but this guy needs a doctor. They are now ready to pick the person to go home. Probst asks the questions and here we go to the vote.

The music plays, people write, and Probsts tallies. Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim.... 5 votes and we say goodbye to the Jimbo. Jim's wife, compliments of Frebreaze gets to wish her first out loser hubby great job. IN the past we used to lead our elders into the wilderness or snow and let them pass. Now we have CBS just snuff out their torches. The tribe has spoken.

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