Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Opens up and Nik is pissed and she should be. Jayla is lame and a theif. But Jayla says she is not mature. There comes Tyra, that cute little Heffer. Today they are doing all natural shots and the girls look great. Tyra mail arrives shortly there after. Nicole shouts they are going to Paris, but she is just playing. Jayla is saying that Kyle is dumb. That is not right. Jayla needs to go. The girls are at a aboot camp and in the mud. Most hate it some love it. Nicole was just lame. The person that had the most fun was Lisa. Nik's pants kept coming down. God these girls complain about everything but all they have to do is pose for the camera.

Bre is sent into to talk to women all covered in Mud. Lisa is very confident. Nik is saying she loves the mud, Jayla is saying she likes music, Kyle did a good job. They took polaroids of them. The women are telling them what is wrong. They pick Lisa to win the challenge. She does shine as much as you hate her. Lisa is going to a fashion expert. Todd meets her and he is giving her advice. Showing her how to work it. Tyra mail is there and Kim reads it. Vroom Vroom be up at 8. Moring is here and the girls meet Jaye. Product placement for Ford Fusion. They will be a 40s pin up girls.

Back from comercial. Lisa doing a great job. Jyal did good but has a lot of gums on her teeth. Nicole did bad. Kim is next and loks like a girl for once. Nik looked great. Kyle is next. Did a great job. Jayla is such a hater. Bre is freaking out. Poor Bre. She was hating the corset and did only ok. Nik thinks she is going home.

Here we go...the winners are..... But first they are given three minutes in a clothes room to put their look together.... Lisa first looks good, Nicole looks wierd, Bre in boxers and tank. She looks great. Kyle looked bad.. Jayla looked good bad teeth and gums. Kim looked good... And the winners are

Lisa picks looked good, Bre's looked good second not too great, Jayla's both looked bad, Nik's one looked good the other not bad. Nicole's one looked good and her pin up was bad. Kyle, both are ok. Kim, first was good and second was really good. Going to break and the winner is

Kim...Lisa...Nik....Jayla....Nicole....leaving Bre and Kyle Kyle is crying. Bre is stoic... Bre is picked and Kyle is crying hard. I still think Bre is the better choice.

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