Saturday, September 02, 2006

Ernesto Enters the Brick City

Friday night early market close. Home to see the animals early which they love. Friend stops over for a bit and the rest of the night is easy.

Summertime and the livin's easy Bradley's on the microphone with Ras-MG All the people in the dance will agree thatwe're well qualified torepresentthe LBC

The following are shots I took as Ernesto began to come into the chocolate city. Two are as the rain begins to drizzle. The winds prior were fantastic. In Newark as you watch the trees blow it is complimented by the litter blowing around too so it takes on a much more dramatic effect. In tornado alley it may be a few cows blowing around, In Newark it is a few 40's and a Ho. I kid. Two of the photos are of the skreets and the other a flower before the storm. The weather is 64 and the air is flowing. If the world had this temp all year long there would be some mighty happy peeps....
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