Wednesday, April 04, 2007

American Idol-Vote Off Night

They are recapping last night's show...So now we are back into commercial and then we are once again inundated with cheesy Ford commercials....Now to the results and they are divided into three groups...Blake, Chris, and Sanjaaya......find out in a moment...Haley, Gina, and Phil..They are the bottom three....Jordan, Melinda, and Lakisha... and they are safe..They are the best singers....Wow, the first group is safe as well...So bottom three Haley, Gina, and Phil.....

Expected that Sanjaaya is safe again....Some guy came out to sing and I am not sure who he is but he sucks and he looks like he is strung god Sanjaya is better than this shit head..Who is this fuck...Michael Buble..Wow what a total cheese dick this guy is and I just found out he is from Canada which explains some of it but wow what a horrible cheesy performance....I am going to pick him up some more heroin...

Who is safe right now....that person is Phil is safe....two left Haley and Gina..close up of Gina in High Def and she needs to shave.....Gina is going home..cut to a shocked idol cast and a really shocked Sanjaaya and then they cut to her old parents and friends that are crying and one old woman trying to figure out what happened...She says her goodbyes and thanks but we all know who should have went home this week..And yet that little freak is still on

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Anonymous said...