Tuesday, May 24, 2005

American Idol Finale

Bo Bice (Its a long Road) And a very long song. Pitchy in parts. Singing wise give him a 7 and song choice about a 5. Randy said it was not great. Paula said wow fantastic, and Simon was confused it was bad.

Carrie Underwood (Inside Something) Carrie is looking good. Some pitch issues from nerves probably. Second part of the song is better. Higher register is good for and bad for Bo and vice versa. Pitch problems again towards the ending stanza. And yet her soul has not really shown up. Singing I give her a 7.7 since it is more difficult than Bo's and a 5 song selection. Randy said Wow, choir is getting a workout. Hates the song, first half pitchy, in the end you brought it home. Paula congrats your dreams come true, it must be exciting. Paula said bad notes but who cares. We do it is a competition. Simon. Song much better than the first. Vocal on the edge but round 1 to Carrie.

Bo Bice (Vehicle) Singing old stuff again. He is doing too much walking around and I want to hear something different. He sings this song well. 8 for singing and 8 for song choice. First time I gave him a 9 but it is getting tired. Randy said. That is what I am talking about. Paula said no one does it better and Simon said welcome back. Now we have a competition.

Carrie (Independence Day) Carrie doing country again. Pitch is right on, but I have no idea what song this is. But she sings much better than Bo. Singing a 9 song choice 7. Randy said it was hot. Paula great vocal and brilliant. Simon not great vocal. Would have chosen a different song. Second round to Bo from Simon.

Well we are at intermission and I must say that this is the first idol in which I do not care who wins. No one has really had a song that blew me away this year. Very lackluster. During commercial break they play the tennis commercial with new Anna Kornikova (don't know her name) who has not won a tournament but just looks hot. Ladies tennis just took 5 steps back along with woman rights.

Back live with one song each.

Bo Bice (Inside Heaven) horrible and lost and pitchy. Just a bad song. Maybe one or two good notes. Just bad 6 for the song and 5 for the choice. Thank god for the back up singers.
Randy said Yo Yo, you in my dog pound said it was amazing. Paula just fell in love, and Simon said it was a pleasure. I just do not see it. He is Jim Morrison Lite.

Carrie (Angels brought me here) Bad dress. I do not know the song. Legs are super white. Needs a little color. She sang the best of them tonight but I have no idea what the song is. Her ending is something BO could never do. 9 for the singing and 7 for the choice. Randy said wow and gave her an ovation. Paula something about achievement in a lifetime of 6 months. Simon. I think you have done enough to win this competition.

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