Thursday, May 19, 2005

Apprentice Season Finale

Aside from the fact that today is my Bday, I as a TV lover am once again blessed with another season finale. The Apprentice: Street Smarts VS Book Smarts. Tonight we are left with Tana (Street Smart) and Kendra(Book Smart). I think both of these ladies are there as they should be. One much smarter in her approach and the other an over the top hustler.

The show started off with a recap of the season. I love the episode when the tuff guy breaks down and cries like a little baby. I am predicting that Kendra will win. She was three wins no losses when she lead and on some of the ones that Tana won, Kendra was in there with the ideas that eventually drove the team towards wins. Kendra on her last challenge did so well that she was actually offered a job on the spot from one of the sponsors. Here we are at the first break and we are ready for the show.

The set is live which is great. We may get to see a Donald Flunky forget how to speak like last year. Donald starts off calling Tana on the carpet for calling them flunkies. Donald is on the attack.

Now on to Kendra. He called her a crier and she said so do big football players. Now to the committee where they are all just kissing each others asses. We are back in commercial about 4 minutes after the last. Looks like this is not about the show but about the making of money by jamming commercial after commercial in there.

Back from commercial. Now they show the last two winners Bill and Kelly. Not sure why we are spending the showtime on this. Back in commercial again at 9:33. This is the 4th commercial break. But it does give me time to go back to International Idol Bloopers.

Donald is now showing us the jobs available to these go getters. We now see how sexists he is. The two jobs are Ms America pagents and beach front properties in Florida. Now in one sentence he dropped 5 names of sponsors for a product placement gig. Donald is getting paid by the word.. Back in commercial break. Now back again at 9:47. Ten minutes left and George is heaping praise on Kendra. Donald is now asking some more questions. Tana broke through and claimed credit for some of the Pontiac add. What was missed was Kendra's response wich she gave credit to Tana, but reminded everyone that there was a continuity with the writing and pictures that were equally important and that is the part that the team slept through.

Back from commercial. Donald is ready to pick. Hates Kendra for crying and loves her for it and now Kendra was just hired. Donald is now advertising again for himself. Very bad finale

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