Hannah Montanna amongst the performers this nite. The world is excited..JHud also performing.That should be touching consider what she has done and what has happened..Cheese dick intro and Ryan up on the stage...I really think that it is written in REVELATION that Miley Sirus is one of the Horsemen and when she appears on the idol stage the last seal will be opened and the heavens will become silent...Regardless, either then world will end or we will be treated to some of the most horrible TV on earth.
True to what I just wrote we get to hear Freeze Frame in a Ford commercial followed by a really bad version of Maniac....When they show this I just want them all voted off the island so from the shows 8 commercials into 8 more official ones...
Back from the break we are now kissing Tarantino ass and showing how the group went to Zach's movie...Oh look 17 teen again..I liked it better when it was called BIG...Cut to Zach in the audience who is wearing his too cool hat because it must be cold in the building..
Alison...OMG stop being so fake....safe....Adam ....safe and sitting down..This cannot bode well for Anoop....in the bottom three
Back from the break, Ryan is introducing JHud..Love this girl..Grammy, Oscar, the bitch got it all and is here to show Simon how wrong he was...Starting out strange..MIC problems or having a hard time singing over the track...I hate this track singing..I miss that shitty Ricky Minor right now..Now when they interview I hope Ryan brings up the tragedy otherwise its a wuss out...Sad part is your heart breaks for her every time you see her now...Ryan on stage with her and yet another girl taller than him. Lame ass interview...The show needs some ballz...
Back from break and they are rapping to Anoop.. They ask if he deserves to be there and Simon is the only one who said yes...They have Chris and Lil stand up and OMG there are pointed rockets at the AI audience..WTF Lil that is hot and you must be cold cold cold...Lil is now defending herself and blaming the crew...Lil is in the bottom..That was expected..Lil has lost a lot of weight since being on the show...Matt and Danny..Should be Matt on the block...Matt is in the bottom..Based on the performance last night, Matt should go...One is safe that person is.....Anoop is safe.. I am mesmerized by Lils condition...
Back from break Miley..Smoke on the stage and her big teeth come out and start singing..Well the good thing is that she is singing live I think and has her band and it actually sounds pretty good..I think I would dig her if there was not some crazy marketing machine behind her. She is growing hips too...Hanging out with Taylor too much..Singing her little heart out and you know it because when they go in close you can see the dry wet spit in her mouth...Like at the Grammies I actually think she did a good job..I may have become a Miley fan..well lets not get crazy....
Back from break...36 million voted and Lil is safe and Matt is going home unless saved by the judges..Will he sing for his life...yes he will...ooh started off ruff again and the judges are doing the thing again where they gesture..He is doing a horrible job and should not be saved..Everyone on the side is dancing and the judges are acting dopey....This version is flat at best sharp most of the time and just outright horrible....So here we go do they save him.....It was not better than last night...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DRAMATIC....Simon said not better than last night and no chance winning....OH God what a bunch of crap..Its like the stimulus check..Gave it to you last year and yanked it back this year....Why are these freaks so happy he was saved..They are going to vote two of you off next week
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