Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I missed the first 20 mins since I was making my Lil Bro a crabby patty melt. So we are down to Nik, Bre, Jayla, and Nicole. Nik won the challenge and gets 100 frames at the next shoot. The other girls get 25 less as they go lower in the order. Bre ends up with only 50 frames and is angry because she will also not be allowed to look at herself in the mirror.

The girls have to pair up for a walk around London. Nik and Jalya went together and the fueding Bre and Nicole had to pair off. If you remember last week, the granola red bull saga was the drama de jour. But today as expected they put their differences aside and said they were sorry. Getting ready for the shoot Bre has a migraine and feels ill. But the show goes on and she did look good. Jayla looks expressionless and Mr Jay is saying the same thing. Just an ok shot Nicole is next. I just do not see her being a model but the group loves her. Nigel thinks she is doing great. Nik is last and she looks really great. She has 100 frames but she nailed it on the first one. After the shoot the go out for diner. Nigel shows up to be the waiter as well. He is telling the story of his mum who is Sri Lanken. She is telling the girls to learn...learn...learn.. She teaches the girls how to put on a Sari. Bre is smart because she thinks they will make them put one on in the morning at the final review. Bre is doubting why she is there still.. No confidence for such a hot girl.

AT the final cut the girls have 3 minutes to update a outfit to modern fashion witha sari. Nicole looked bad...Her pic met with mixed review. Bre's pic look pretty good. Nik's pic they loved. Jayla was next and she was well received. You could not pick her out of the photo shoot.

Winners are Nicole, Nik, leaving Bre and Jayla at the bottom. I hope they get rid of Jayla.... and the name called is Bre and Jayla heads home this week. Until next week my model friends

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