Sunday, November 06, 2005

Evil Thing I Did

I did something that normally goes against everything I stand for. You see I live on a street that has many visitors.. No no, it is not on the Texas Mexican border and it is not on Starbucks Ave. But the street fills up since it is so close to Penn Station in Newark, and because of the great places to eat in the Ironbound. However over the past year there are a few things that have hurt my heart greatly that occur regularly on my street. One thing I cannot stand is people who litter. There is no need for it in our day and age. Even if you have a nice car and do not want the litter to clutter it up, can't you just wait until your next stop to rid the car of trash into the many public and non public trash receptacles?? Any way back to events of last Friday and how I became evil. I was going to bed early and my room overlooks the street. With the windows open in this warm November 2005, I can hear and see all the activity on the street. A car pulled up and the people got out to go to the salsa club a few doors down. But as they got out they poured all of the their beer bottles and trash into the gutter. I happen to be standing there, in my feather head dress and loin. As they walked away a tear fell from my left eye and slowly slid down my cheek. They walked away and I walked outside to correct the problem.. My heart ached. I walked to the gutter and in an act unlike me, took their trash and placed it under their tires. Two of the 4 bottles left on the street were placed under the rear tires of the car and the other two left there to give the illusion upon their return that they desecrated the street near my home. In my mind justice was served and I went to bed. Knowing that in a few hours I may awake once again as I hear them drive off.

Fast forward to 244 am. I had been up for a bit since people leaving the club are loud and me and the cats are light sleepers. Always on guard in the event of any type of emergency. It was then that I saw them come back to their car. I must admit it was kind of scary. I was about to watch the manifestation of the trap I set. The car started and I could hear the Billy Joel song Saigon, playing in my head. The car clicked into gear and pulled away....Two loud Pops....Pop pop milliseconds apart. The car stopped, they looked out but went on. I was laying low in my fox hole in the sky worrying about if they would get a flat but wallowing in the fact that I think I made them think about their littering actions. My friend CK thinks I am environmental Vigilante, exacting my vengeance on a willful but thoughtless public. Was I right, or was I wrong. What did my cats learn from this??

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