Ryan here to tell you about the next two hours. The final group..
Von Smith..Hate the voice and hate this guys voice..Cannot understand why this kid is in it..They should have had Dave Foley instead... Singing Marvin Gaye. His mouth is too close to the mic..he looks like a bass when he sings..His mouth and face make weird faces..Singing better than a lot of the other people from last week.. At first a little pitchy but not a bad job..8....You have to beat him tonight. Randy said tonight you started it off right. Better than you did in Hollywood..Kara said you know what you are doing tonight...Paula said I love you know when to pull back and go forward..Simon said you remind me of Clay Aiken..You sang better than Hollywood.
Taylor 17 and from Utah....If I Ain't Got You....Alicia..Gotta bring it... Starting off good..Quality this week is much better than the last two weeks..Hitting the middle and he is going flat like she lost the tone...Not good...Almost like she got scared now the rest is just catching up..The back up singers are helping her..Not a very strong voice. 6..Nice try maybe next year...Kara said you have a voice and you hit some issues but I'm trying to figure out who you are and it leaves me cold..Paula said you sang it in Hollywood...You showed nothing new..Simon said I don't get the shopping thing...Not something anyone will remember..It was generic and bland.. And the crowd turned on him and forgot Randy..Randy said boring..OMG towers over Ryan..Then again so could a Leprechan.
Alex...Very funny intro with him..He seems very witty...Guess Why They Call It The Blue..Elton...Ugg started off flat but then he runs away from the mic and then he started making these strange noises into the mic like a grunt..Really do not understand this arrangement..Horrible song for him and he is singing thru his lips....5... Paula said you are a showman and you had fun...Simon said we had fun watching you just not listening to you..He said the growling was stupid and said he is a hamster trying to be a Tiger...It was stupid..Randy said it was crazy in a buck wild sort away.. Moves were so wild .Kara said you do you..You are the fun guy..Everyone more or less agreed with Simon..Alex said he was having fun..
Arrianna up next...Winner Takes It All..ABBA..Dont know about the song...Singing a slow version..I am not sure what note she is going for..She is kind of all over the place..Started out sounding like Rhianna and then in the middle like Ri Ri getting beaten by Chris Beat Her Down Brown and then at the end it sound really good..I am very confused...7....Simon said it was horrible dreadful and you failed and that was the problem..Randy said you are young and you can sing big songs and it was the wrong song and it was not good..Kara said you are a beam of sunshine..and tonight it was dark and depressing..Gloomy..Kara said you had some bright moments but the song was old fashion...
Ju'Not..Business owner..I hope he is Ju Yes and not Ju No..He better have his kid in the crowd..Hey there Delilah..WTF He is black...Oh well..Ok I'm feeling him Boo...I'm not mad at him boo,,I thought this was a bad choice but he is singing it better than the original..So far this is the best guy singer of the night...but its not bad..Made it soulful....9..Man to beat tonight...Junot Is Ju Yes..Nice Job..Randy said you took a plain white tee and pulled it off and it was a smart choice.. Kara said the spin was the smooth...Paula said it paid off..Simon said it was better than I thought it was going to be. You should have stripped it down and you are nervous...Junot started talking about taking shots in the butt..God Ryan is a tiny little fuck...
Kristen and Nathanial..I hate this little fuck...Kristen up first..She is a little troll.. She reminds me of Tanya Harding..Give me one reason..She seems very contrived but her voice is pretty good..I think she is 60....She pretends like she is shy and innocent yet is sultry...Best girl of the night..8..So far.. Kara likes the hair you have great tone but not edgy for you but you can sing...Paula said you have range but this song has not range...Simon said you look like a pagent child but your voice is good..Randy said it is an easy song but you tried to do too much..Ryan said who are you..She is a girl just as tall as you Ryan that makes you a short little fuck..Thats who you are Ryan
Nate..Ill do anything for Love...I hate this fuck cause he is a little snarky drama queen. He is so full of himself..He is Rupert Pupkin...He is singing the wrong note and then it gets fast and with the head band he looks like an Olivia Newton John video and he is singing to the Drama Queens be free be free you drama queens...getting fast again and he is sweating to the oldies..Just an odd song..6...When will he cry..come on cry..cry...The judges are stunned..Simon said he would do anything...Some people will like it but most will not....the ONJ head band read above but they will remember you..You are fun...Randy said odd song..You can sing but hard to imagine what kind of record you would put out....Simon said a keep fit video..Kara said you are not serious...Simon said who are you here with and they went to his GM but this is getting strange..Paula said you are cool in Hollywood...boy George version...Simon is not happy with what is going on..
Felicia....No one..by Alicia...Good song...Oops hit a hard spot on the opening...She has a strong voice...sounding good and then in the middle during the no ones she hit a sour note or two....Its gone off from here and its getting jerky right now and this is not good..Its getting more and more flat...7...Paula said you are hot inside and out and I am glad we brought you back..Simon said you came back to prove a point its a copy cat and I am not too happy with it..Randy said you have a good voice and it was hot....WTF Kara said its a good look but problems with the notes...
Scott..The Blind Guy..Mandolin Rain..Great Song by the Hornsman....He cant hold his notes that well and sings thru his nose....ouch some sharp notes and flat notes and he looks like he is gonna kill somebody..I used to love this song...Until the night the blind man from AI sang it..Gov Patterson hates it too...He just called..7..Not that good and going home..His helper is in the crowd clapping..I thought it was horrible when he turned the wrong way..Randy said it was not perfect but props..Kara said you move mountains...Paula said I am happy and proud and you bless us and you are one of the finest..Simon said you grow on me but it was not great..You are not the best singer and you should make it thru the next round..I do not agree....
Kendal singing some country song.. Shows that anyone can sing country...Her voice is really deep and she is looking to be the next blond chic from AI that won all those awards but alas her notes are not as sharp as they are flat...Has moments but just blah..Pitchy but not too bad..7...Kara said you know who you are but it was flat so you had issues..Paula said you have the best outfit..Simon said you are what you are and you like you country..Half way thru I wanted it to end..Not my cup of tea..Randy said good song, nice outfit but not good vocals..
Jorge Nunez up next...Dont Let the Sun Go Down..Elton Again...Is this the spanish version..I think he can sing but only Latin songs...Mi minutos cuando I met tu....go half spanish now cause its not sounding good in english...Not a bad job but no market for him doing english..Not a cross over...8...took half off for the english..Paula said nothing again other than she is proud and somehting..Simon said you should sing with an accent..You are a good singer...Randy said you are good and Kara said you are born to sing you are a singer..thats your gig..Ill shoot her a gig...OMG he is crying..there is no crying in American Idol for the guys..OMG and the spit in his mouth is getting sticky...
Lil Rounds...Now having heard the little I have from her she is one of my top picks.. I think this girl can sing and she is hungry, well, like most of the country these days but nonetheless I hope she kills it..She has a great voice...and she is sexy... Be without you by Mary...Good song..She looks good..Singing a little too fast and above the song...Dont like the arrangement..I dont like this all that much but it does show how strong her voice is..7 for the song 10 for the pipes..Simon said brilliant...I would not have chosen the song because you sounded better than the original and great prospects..Randy said I gotta agree...Kara said Lil you are a powerhouse...You are a steady boat...Paula said you are first class....I like little rounds
Girls Lil Round, Guys Ju'Not Wild card....Von or Jorge
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