Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Brunch with CK in Hoboken and a Strange Statement

Since Xmas fell on a Sunday most companies observed Monday the 26th as the official day when Jesus was born into the barn in the holy city of Bethlehem. Now since the romantic stories about the birth have been passed through time we now know that Mary did not wear a vibrant blue robe but rather a robe made from a brown burlap material. Joe was probably not around for the birth since Jewish law at the time did not allow it and there was probably a team of three Jewish mid wives to help her have the holy baby. He may have passed out a few Cubans if that side of the world was engaged in trade with the mideast.

But back to CK. So JM and I go to Hoboken to pick CK up. She waited outside her building for a tad more minutes that she was probably expecting since JM, despite me having a navigation system telling him he was wrong, insisted that he knew how to get to her house quick. It was not until we almost drove into the Hudson River that he let go the dream of telling me how to get to her place in Hoboken.

Once in the car we drove the length of Hoboken a few times since no one wanted to make a call on where to have lunch. I had to make the call and picked a place where if by the off chance Artie Lange happen to be out and about, we would see him and I could tell him how funny he is. He is on the Howard Stern show and I love his humor. But lets get back to the elephant in the room or the car as the case was.

We picked CK up and she had with her what she called a non Xmas gift, but rather a thank you gift for all that I have done for her or so she says. Now CK and I do not exchange gifts because for some reason I actually always thought she was Jewish even though she is not. She is what they call a Chixa (sp). Hard to exchange an Xmas gift with a Chanuka gift. Like comparing apples and oranges. One comes from a jolly old bearded man with magic deer flying in the sky, celebrating the birth of a baby that was born to rule the world, and the other a bunch of people in a cave huddling next to oil hoping to stay warm while escaping persecution. Like I said oil and water.

So hind sight being 20/20 I now know the gift. A fine aged Glenkinchie scotch from the low lands of Scotland. A rather well thought out gift or non gift as she calls it but well thought out. The package is also perfectly wrapped in a classic pale gold color wrap that does not scream holiday but rather arrival. It says I am here. Kind of like Dan Akroyd in trading spaces before he was out on skid row.

Now by now most of you that are reading this are saying what a great person.... Here is the story twist. The man gift has been placed in a pink victoria secret gift bag. However, one does not know that it is a man gift at this point. So as CK gets into the car which is a man car and sits in the man seat within this man car and as I sit next to a man friend in his man seat next to me, she squeaks out... I have a gift for you here, raises it sheepishly so I can see it in the review mirror for a nano second and then places it in an empty man seat in my man truck next to her in a man seat.

I did not think much about it during our meal. We ate, laughed, and talked about the holidays. Actually CK was obsessed with reading the NY Post. Apparently JM and my conversation was not up to par for the night. We left the establishment, looked around for Artie and then hopped back into the car. It was then we were faced with the elephant in the man car. It was not long after we drove off that we were back at CK's place in Hoboken with the view of the Empire State. She made out with JM in the front seat as they said goodbye. The noise they were making was like that when you get to the end of the slurpee and you are sucking it up with a straw. She then reminded me that my non gift was on the back man seat in a girl bag. We parted. Now my mind was all consumed by the pink VS bag. Why would CK give me a gift in public in front of friends in a pink VS bag. To this day the thought confuses me.

Did she think I was gay? If so why give me scotch.

Did she think I was a gay Scotsman?? I think she knows I am Irish.

Did she think I was a gay Irishman? If so why not give me the new VS thong?? If I were gay I would have loved something like that.

Did she think that I was gay but could not find a man and so she gave me scotch so I could ply my date with liquor so he would be intimate with me??? If so, why not just give me the thong?? We both would have loved that...I think...

Maybe she thinks the rig is too much man and wanted to make it more woman.

Maybe she wanted me to think that she bought something for herself from VS and I was supposed to drink the scotch and show up late at her place that night..She would be waiting at the top of stairs. I would look up the 18 flights to her apt and see her in my thong with a teddy. She shouts (she is up 18 flights) you're no Elihondo (her bf from Brazil) but for tonight just speak to me in Spanish, treat me bad, and call me tu mamacita.

If she said that I would have replied.
Si usted me piensa que usted va a tratarme eso gravemente y lo tomaría y acaba de es su juguete del amor, entonces usted piensa mejor otra vez. La tendría entonces preguntado si ella validara el estacionamiento y me habría ido.

I would have hoped she would have said something like, what took you so long sailor?? Whatever the case for her using that bag CK will take to the grave most likely. She may claim that it was innocent, the only thing she had etc but we all know the truth. CK is a cruel woman from Hoboken

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Xmas 2005

I hate to brag but I got everything I wanted for Xmas, every single thing I asked for which is very odd for 39 year old guy asking for things but I got every thing I asked for and more. I even got one thing that I forgot to ask for but I wanted. How do yo figure that. Of course I gave a great xmas too.. Now there is one thing, one factor which I hate to admit but my nephews did not come up this year and had they my xmas may not have been that good since they would have gotten everything. So lesson they need to learn is visit for xmas. My lesson is this..If I hear they are not coming up, get the list out, say it loud and say it proud... So you say what did this old kid get. Well I got the alive chimp wich is a chimp that moves and acts and looks and sounds like a real chimp. I got a ladder shelf that I forgot to ask for, I got call of duty 2 for PS2. I got the fleeces and flannels I wanted socks and underwear and all of the other little stuff I asked for. I will not tell you those things cause you may think some are gay like a cake dish display but you have never had my cake so you would not understand...All in all it was a good xmas. I cooked which really cost me an arm and a leg but well worth it.. I started with assorted fruit and cheeses. Goat, smoked ghouda, and very sharp NY horseradish cheddar. A liver pate and assorted crackers and garlic slices. A fresh ceaser salad was the next course. Main course was filet mignon and filet of salmon with aspargus tips in a bernaise sauce. A mushroom hunter sauce and garlic roasted potatoes. An aged port wine was served with cake and the crowd was happy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Amazin Race Finale

Another finale night on CBS. Three teams racing for the million dollar reward at the finish line. The three teams are the Linz, the Weavers, and the Bransen families. I have to say I am rooting for the Linz boyz. They were fun the whole race. At the end of the race they will have all the families there clapping the winning family into the winners circle. The teams are heading to Montreal Canada. Bransen, Linz, and Weaver is the order leaving after the last leg. The are each taking a variety of different flights. The Linz bro and the Weaver boy were racing and the Weaver boy tripped them both up. Of course the Weaver mom said it was Linz boy that man handled her son but the mom is a freak and both daughters will probably end up pregnant within a year. Praise the lord. Linz and Weavers are on one flight and the Bransen on the other. Once there they have to find the underground city of Montreal. The Weavers are acting like strange to Ted the driver. Meanwhile the Bransen family have still not landed. They have to find the CDC capital.. They come to a detour... Slide it roll it. Now rolling it does not mean sitting back and smoking a fat one. Wouldn't we all be winners there. One is the ice game with the stone, the other is rolling logs.. Weavers are in the lead with the Linz Family behind. The Weavers are doing slide and the Linz family are doing roll. The Bransen family ran right past the clue. The Weavers have finished their detour and are now on to the Bucky Fuller American Geo Dome. Bucky was the best. The Linz family are not doing the roll. The Bransen family is. Linz are doing the ice thing as well and are just leaving for the expo as the Weaver family arrives. Weaver are now heading to Port J where the next clue is. Bransen family just finished their task as the Linz family gets to Bucky's place. Meanwhile the Weaver family is opening up a big lead and now they have to perform with flying trapeez group.. The kid did it on the first swing and now are heading to the 1976 Olympic stadium. The Linz family are doing the circus thing. Bransen family are arriving at the Bucky place. Weavers are the first to the Olympic stadium and are on the golf carts looking for the clue. Meanwhile the Bransen family have caught up with the Linz family and the one brother cannot complete the task. All families are done and are searching for departure times in the am.. TheWeaver family got the last time. At this time the Bransen family is first then Linz and then Weaver. All three families are inthe top of the tower searching for the flag somewhere about 700 ft below. The Weavers have not spotted it yet and the other two families have. They are heading to it while the the Weavers pray to God for help. Will God help them????

God did help them a bit but the first two teams are in cars and heading there. Another detour..Ship or shoe. Hop a ship and find a flag. In shoe the have to play Cinderella and find a chic to fit a shoe out of 100 chics. The have all chosen ship except for Bransen. The Linz are in first in a boat trying to find the main sloop. The Linz family is there first and grabbed the flag.. They are now headed to Queenstown and they are going to head up the heavy Niagra river to their next clue. The Bransen family is struggling with the shoe thing but they finally found the woman and appear to be in second place. The Weavers are sending the boy up the mast of the boat to get the flag. The kid dropped the flag but really is a champ. Performed well on all the tasks. The Linz family has arrived at the boat launch and are on the jet boat. Followed closely by the Bransen chics. They are heading into class 3 4 rapids straight on. They have to put together a map and then run to the finish line. Here we go..........

Who can put the puzzle together the fastest. Bransen and Linz neck in neck...The Weavers may all but be out. First one out of the map is .....The Linz family and they are the first to the finish line as all the other families clap them on. 25 days, 60 cities and they are the winners. Bransen family a close second. I am happy for them since they were the best sports along with the Bransen. Weaver's bring in third place. They talk about their father, the father the lord, and each other. So until February 2006, the Amazin race is no longer.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Survivor Finale

I will be missing parts of the finale since my favorite show West Wing got moved to Sunday night. However it is 30 mins in and survivor is just starting due to the late lame football games.

We are down to the last four. Steph, Lydia, Rafe, and Danni. They are getting a special meal and saying thanks to the Mayan Gods for their good fortune. Immunity challenge is up for grabs. The most complex maze ever in survivor history. They need to collect pieces of a puzzle and the winner gets immunity and a spot in the final three. They are running through the maze... The winner is ......RAFE..So now we are in tribal council. They are talking about the chicken sacrifice that was offered by the mayan people. Rafe refused to eat it but the girls thought that to waste the chicken would be wrong. Of course after the ate it the heavens opened up and it rained and the thunder was crazy. The Gods have been stirred. First vote Lydia, Danni, Lydia, Lydia.... She is gone and not missed already. Down to Rafe, Danni, and Steph and they are the final three and tomorrow the face their last immunity challenge.

The three woke up to the screams of angry animals in the jungle, maggots in their food, and a general malaise they blame on the fact they ate the sacrificial chicken. Today they hiked a spot and burned pics of the others in the game that had fallen, They always do this. The views were beautiful from the tops of each temple.

Back and the three are up for the final immunity. Rafe gives it back up and it is up for grabs. They have to balance on a wobble platfor with the help of two ropes for the first hour, and then they give one up. Two hours the second and then they are on their won. The girl Danni is so rail thin now. After they let go they all fell and grabs a spot against the side with the one rope. Down to the last minute and their hands can no longer touch anything. Rafe is the first one out by touching the pole. 2 hours and 5 mins and Steph is feeling it. Dannie looks not affected. Steph's back it hurting her and hse is falling down the pole. She is done. Danni won the final and is in the final two. Rafe walked over right away and said I release you from any agreements. You take who you want and I have to say what a great move that was by Rafe. Class player.

Back at the camp Rafe and Dannie are talking about what a great job Steph and it is pretty much a love fest right now. Probst is asking questions that are basically deconstructing Rafe and Steph. We are now down to the vote. Danni is the only one to vote and lets see who she votes off. Voted off is ......Rafe..Danni is pinning herself in the hopes that everyone hates Stephanie...Final tribal council is tomorrow night and it is between Steph and Danni.

Last morning and it is the two ladies. Day 39. The two girls are talking about how great it is being girls and they went swimming in their pool. They are not worried about food they are relaxing. After swimming they started burning everything like they always do and Steph thinks it is a sacrafice but they will both be dead soon since they dissed the Gods. We are now at the last tribal council and this is the one that each other player gets to question their candidates. They get a statement answer questions, and then vote. You cannot be too cute and too cool either. Danni did ok kind of non committal but Steph seemed more honest in her approach. We to to commercial.

Bobby John First ...How proud are you Steph for the way you played. She said she take nothing back. Danni same question but she is taking the safe anser.

Gary....Why should I vote for you.. Steph...Got seperated and I voted you out. Danni same question and she said that she vote Gary out cause of her new alliance with Rafe.

Brandon threw up a cram pie to Danni and Steph a hard one...missed this whole one since I was feeding the cats

Lydia..Steph.. I did not do you wrong, and you did me wrong.. why..So Steph said sorry and Danni said I tried but at some point I had to turn against you.

Cindy..Remove one person from voting..Danni said Rafe since he is voting for Steph. Steph said Bobby J since he was first.

Rafe... Dannie.. this is way too much to keep typing. Rafe is a schill for Steph and he let her off the hook

Judd is bitter and he hates both and told Danni to go to confession and Danni said I do everyday. He is even angrier to Steph. Soooooooooooo........................

So we have the closing statement to the jury, Steph saying she was sorry, that we all came into win and we had to turn on some of them. Danni said she came into the merge, she said she hung low and Steph and Rafe controlled the game and she told them that those two were responsible for them being there.

The vote tonight is for th winner...... Probst got the vote and then we watch Jeff run out and down again a hilicopter picks him up. He is flying around the site and now into LA where is live to the Survivor pad and into te sound stage. He is wearing the same clothes....

Wow Dani looks great...Votes are Danni, Steph, Danni, Danni, Danni...She won the million. UNtil nex time

Thursday, December 08, 2005

25 Years after John Lennon

It is 11pm and 25 years ago in 15 minutes we first learned about the death of John Lennon from Howard Cosell on Monday Night Football.


This, we have to say it, remember this is just a football game, no matter who wins or loses. An unspeakable tragedy confirmed to us by ABC News in New York City. John Lennon, outside of his apartment building on the West Side of New York City, the most famous perhaps of all the Beatles, shot five times, rushed to Roosevelt Hospital, dead…on…arrival.

I was in 8th grade at the time John was shot and I remember hearing about John Lennon being shot and killed when I woke up for school that Tuesday morning. My friend Dave H was a big Lennon fan and I called him to let him know. He thought I was kidding him and we met for our walk to school and he was just nasty the whole time. I did not realize it at the time but he was more advanced in his thought process than I was at that time. It would be a few years before I would begin to feel on that type of level. Things I do remember about John Lennon. The Beatles were done before I was able to understand but as a child I spent a lot of time with my grandmother for some reason. Either being a helping hand, a handful, or an utter annoyance I seem to be around her so much. I think the reason was because she liked TV as much as I did. Her TV was always on which I now really only understand and really respect. She probably had the TV on MNF when Howard actually announced he was dead. Anyway there was one thing that I will always remember too was that she was also as selfish with what we watched as I am in my old age. She had two shows that you watched no matter what. Merv and Mike. The Merv Grifith show and the Mike Douglas show. Everyone left when she took control of the TV except for me and man did I reap the benefits of that. She would make us a tray of shortbread or some kind of cookie and a pot of tea. She would place the tray on this crappy vinyl three legged leg rest and the show began.

Getting back to John Lennon he seemed to be on Mike a lot. Him and Yoko were always making love calls and other performance art type things even though no one knew it was performance art at the time. John and Yoko would make random phone calls and tell people that answered that they loved them. This was during the war and during a time of total chaos in the US. Mike was amazed and goofed but the message was the same the whole time.. I love you... I love you man.. I love you stranger... The act simple, the call cheap, but the message very moving and deep.... So to all of those out there reading this... I love you... I love you man... I love you stranger.....Pssssstttt..Pass it on and pay it forward or whatever we do today...Oh thats right. No one thinks about world peace today

Apprentice Thursday

Back after the double fire last week and the Randy the Humpty Hump guy and the other girl are in the apartment waiting to see who survives. Donald walks in and tells the two they are in the final two. Rebecca and Randy, the R&Rs and the two are so lame. I really do not see them offering much. George and Carolyn are taking them to dinner...They shake hands and we are to the final too. I can see that each of them lack any kind of substance. Hard to be an actor and a business man at the same time. You end up with Trump projects.

Rebecca: Yahoo all comedy event and throw it for and aids event. Capital edge..Toral, Chris, and James.

Randy: Outback steakhouse autism charity softball games. Marshan, Josh, and Mark.

In the board room they are met by their teams and they are ready to go to their events and get ready.The two head off in their Maybecks while the others follow in SUVs. Both are handing out the jobs but Rebecca is doing it in person and Randal by phone. The comedy event venue is a nice spot in the city. Right off the back you need to think about valet parking. On to Randal and the ball game. Marshan is hot. They are at the cyclone stadium and it was very short time dedicated to it. They cut back to Rebecca and she is meeting with the event people like she should to get a feel for what they expect. They are coming up with ideas for the yahoo VIPs. They are going with purple and white from Chris who is doing a good job..Her team looks to be trying to help her win.

Randal is meeting with the group that is going to let them know what they want. Josh was coming up with great ideas and Randal was being way too administrative. The woman doing the event loved Josh.

The other group met with Joe Piscopo for dinner who is the MC. Chris and James are doing a good job and Joe P is a freaky little man. Rebecca has sent the boys out to smooze while she put together the events of the next day.

Josh and Marshan go to Q104 to meet with Jim Kerr. Randal's team is letting him make calls and helping him out 100%. So they are at party city and they missed the meeting with Jim Kerr. Like the one guy said this was a big mistake. Josh and Randy are going to the park to meet with outback steakhouse. Randy does not seem comfortable meeting with the sponsers which is going to hurt him. Now Marshan and Randy are up in the glass tower and one dude is doing all the work. Randy looks a little overwhelmed and the outback dude laid it on the line get out there and help that guy build our stuff. Randy is now putting out chairs with his boys.

Rebecca met with Jake Glasser whose mom and family died for aids and he is going to speak at the event. His mother is the wife of Hutch whose family died of aids after getting a transfusion. Rebecca is meeting with the group and they are expecting a lot. They are very tough. Toral asked a really good question about what they expect and they did not want a full court press for donations. The approach has to be much more subtle. SO far positive. Joe P called and said his union will not let him perform. That was so staged.

Weather forecast Rain for all

Survivor Thursday

With Judd mumbling that everyone was a scumbag he headed back to his job opening doors in the city. Five people let tonight looking to make it to the final four.

Tonight's story opens with everyone freaked out by Judd and his words. The ghost of Judd haunts the camp and Cindy knows many have lied to her. Now it is the girls and the boy girl Raif. They go to get the reward directions and there is a car key. Someone is going to win a new car. Of course the car is a brand new Pontiac. And they get a BBQ feast with rum and fun and food. Here we go..First leg has three winner...and the winners are Danni, Cindy, and Steph to the next leg.

Next Leg first two to break the tile. Cindy on. Steph on. Cindy and Steph to solve the puzzle and win the car. Cindy won the car..Wow what a twist..No one who has won the car won the game. So he is giving her the opportunity to give up her car and give cars to everyone else. Four cars come up fast. But Cindy picks the car screw the other four, and then takes Steph on the reward.

Cindy and Steph are driving to their reward. Steph is such a phoney and she plays it so well. She claps and is so happy for Cindy but she is pissed. At the site there is meat and fruit and corn and rum and all that make life happy. Back at camp everyone else is shocked since they expected Cindy to placate everyone and win the car. Back at the food fest life goes on filling their bellys and their souls with food and conversation. Ready for bed the Steph brings up who will go out next. Danni is marked for release by Steph. The plot thickens.

Cindy is back at camp and talking about her car and everyone is getting angry. She thinks they are very happy with her. But they are ready to slit her throat. Probst has called everyone in for the immunity challenge and he asks her about the car and she is not sorry for winning. Todays Challenge they are attached to a rope with their hands and feet tied and locked. They have to get the keys and enough rope to get to a pole to release their flag. First flag down wins the race. Steph and Cindy are ahead throught the first two locks. Steph was heading to the end but ran out of rope. She does recover and wins the immunity. The first time she has ever won

Danni is putting her cards in Raiff since Danni is marked. Raif is acting like a girl when it comes to this car again and he is now going to Steph to vote out Cindy but the girls are talking about ousting Faif too. Raif keeps sitting with the talking people.

We are now at tribal council and Probst has tallied the votes...Person voted out as followed......Raif, Cindy, Cindy, Cindy. She was really smart not to give these pricks a new car.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Amazin Race

In last weeks race there was no end resting place and they are all freaking out. Everyone needs their beauty sleep. The Lindz family really got screwed because their camera man drained the battery on their car and they went from having a major lead to being the last to arrive. An announcement was made by Phil about the incident and that was it.

Bransen family and Weavers are the first and second families to arrive. They have to travel about an hour to Turtle Ranch. Godlewski girls are wasting a lot of times since they do not know how to read a map. The Lindz family just passed them. Meanwhile the first two teams are about half way to their next stop. The Weavers are fighting over gas. I hope the Linz family wins since they are the most fun. The first team to arrive finds it is closed until tomorrow morning. All teams will be caught up as of tomorrow morning. All the teams are talking about the Weavers. Everyone hates them and they hate everyone. I think it is because of the mom.

So I am cutting into the Billboard Music award during commercials which has been very lame but now I am watching R.Kelly with a pool full of young girls at a remote location. He never stops, go R go.

Back at 7am with the crew and they are running through field to get a start time. It is now a caravan through the fields and they come across an Indian in the field standing next to the clue box. Detours. Get a covered wagon built and ride a qarter mile. The others have to build a teepee. Two doing Teepees and two doing wagon. Right now the Teepee builders are doing a better job. The Weavers are doing the best. The Godlewskis do nothing but fight. The Linz family is now back in first.

They are on a golf course finding colored balls. The girls with the pervert father are now in first and the Linz fam are in second. Weavers in third and Godlewski's are hird and fourth. They are heading to their next pit stop. The Godlewski girls are fighting way too much and the one is walking which will really slow things up. The Weavers are now in third place now after finding their balls. It seems that the Godlewski girls have not found their balls. .. Bransen family are the first to arrive. They get a Buick Lucerne. Linz family came in second. Good for them since they really got screwed by their camera man. The Weaver family ende up getting pulled over by the cops but he gave them no ticket. They are also running low on gas and it looks as if it is a footrace to the end. Winner is, the Weavers. They go the last place for the finals. The Godlewski family are the last to arrive. They seem to also accept the fact that they do not get along with each other and they really did not expect that it was going to change while on this trip. Funny

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Apprentice Thursday

Adam was let go last week, so the one team lost one more lady. Four people are left and this is usually the episode saved for the interviews etc. I just figured out who Randal looks like. They guy from the humpty hump video but his real nose looks like the fake nose that dude wears. Wow first commercial is 5 minutes in. Gonna be a long show but will give me time to watch Eve. That girl is smoking.

Today they meet the Donald at NASDAQ. They are going to be working with Microsoft to promote Live Meeting. A sharing application for companies. They are both arguing over who will be PM for this but there are only two in each group. Cap Edge met with the production people first. Should prob meet with Microsoft. Felicia is weak and is sending mixed signal...second commercial break again 9 minutes later at 914. Back now and Excel thinks the actor they chose is doing a horrible job acting. BAck with Felicia. She has complains about everything. Then says she is fine and then says no its ok. Felicia is ..... whacked. We are back in commerical at 921. This is just a commercial fest.

Back from commercial Alla and Felicia are putting the commercial together as well as the other team. I have seen bits of both commercials but not one whole one but we are back in commerical again at 930. Back at 934 and I just realized that this is a 28 minute show with 32 minutes of commercials as well as many more commercials inside.

First team up Randy and the other chic, The commercial did paint a picture but seemed hokie with... Felicia and Alla.. Graphics came across too fast and was bad. Randy is going to win another won. And they did and they get to go on a boat tour of NYC. Felicia and Alla are at dinner and she is crying. What a baby. She is always saying how great she is but she really is not all that. On the cruise they got their wives and BFs to come along. Rebecca's BF was a little freaky looking. Like Bif Hendershot of the 80's. Randy's wife looked like his mother. Into commercial again. and back again at 948.

Felicia is now trying to figure out to screw Alla. But she talks way too much and is going to talk herself out of the job. Here we go. A fight has started. The fight is going on and on and on. He fired Felicia and then he fired Alla afterwards which I think is wrong.. Very disappointing tonight. :)

Survivor Thursday

With NFL so so Gary Huckaboom voted out last week there are 6 left in the fight for the finish. Back at camp the morning after tribal and people are looking a little nervous but they end up doing cartwheels to keep themselves occupied. They meet probst for a survivor auction. Beef Jerky sold for 20 bucks. Three choc cookies and milk. Mosquito netting, a cheese steak, a clue in the next immunity challenge. And then from no where come family members. Judd won the bidding and gets to see his wife at camp... By the size of her nips either she was happy or it was cold down there in Mexico. He got to pick two people who would get to see their family back aet camp as well. He picked Cindy since sh loaned him money and Steph. The others got sent to the old camp by themselves and all they could do was wave at their loved ones.

After commercial break the couples are back at camp. They are spending time with each other for now and not doing a group thing. Back at the exile camp Raif and the other chic are talking about Judd. Meanwhile night settles and the group with the family members are making plans as well. We just hit a commercial break about 9 minutes after the last one. I smell the show putting the sponsers over the viewer.

Morning breaks over camp and the family members are helping build fire. The exiles come back and the family members were still there. They saw them off in a boat and are back to the daily grind. Judd and Lydia are talking about a coup. Here we are at the immunity challenge. The challenge is a flip tile stand and move on. You cannot go back onto a red tile. As they do the tile thing Danni who bought a clue gets to use it to switch with someone with a lot of tiles.. Stephanie and she is angry. Long story short Dannie wins the challenge and cannot be voted off.

At camp they are all chatting strategy. At the tribal council Probst is trying to stir everyone up. Dannie your smiling, what was it like seeing loved ones for some of you, what is going to happen with alliances etc etc. They are ready for the vote and the scary music plays.... Probst will now read them off...Either Lydia or Judd.... Who will it be.... voting is as followed....................Judd, Lydia, Lydia, Judd, Judd, Judd and Judd was pissed..Told them he hopes they get eaten by crocs and called them a bunch of scumbags..taking the game a little to serious.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I missed the first 20 mins since I was making my Lil Bro a crabby patty melt. So we are down to Nik, Bre, Jayla, and Nicole. Nik won the challenge and gets 100 frames at the next shoot. The other girls get 25 less as they go lower in the order. Bre ends up with only 50 frames and is angry because she will also not be allowed to look at herself in the mirror.

The girls have to pair up for a walk around London. Nik and Jalya went together and the fueding Bre and Nicole had to pair off. If you remember last week, the granola red bull saga was the drama de jour. But today as expected they put their differences aside and said they were sorry. Getting ready for the shoot Bre has a migraine and feels ill. But the show goes on and she did look good. Jayla looks expressionless and Mr Jay is saying the same thing. Just an ok shot Nicole is next. I just do not see her being a model but the group loves her. Nigel thinks she is doing great. Nik is last and she looks really great. She has 100 frames but she nailed it on the first one. After the shoot the go out for diner. Nigel shows up to be the waiter as well. He is telling the story of his mum who is Sri Lanken. She is telling the girls to learn...learn...learn.. She teaches the girls how to put on a Sari. Bre is smart because she thinks they will make them put one on in the morning at the final review. Bre is doubting why she is there still.. No confidence for such a hot girl.

AT the final cut the girls have 3 minutes to update a outfit to modern fashion witha sari. Nicole looked bad...Her pic met with mixed review. Bre's pic look pretty good. Nik's pic they loved. Jayla was next and she was well received. You could not pick her out of the photo shoot.

Winners are Nicole, Nik, leaving Bre and Jayla at the bottom. I hope they get rid of Jayla.... and the name called is Bre and Jayla heads home this week. Until next week my model friends

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Amazin Race

Weavers arrived last and stripped cash in the last show. The Linz family won last leg so they leave first. Bransen Family leaves second. Godlewski's leave third, and the Weaver's last. They are going to Park City Utah. Been skiing there. Once there the teams have to inflate a hot air balloon. I hope one of the balloons blow up casting a shadow upon the games. The weavers are a freaky bunch though, jumping all around and frontin. The Linz family are first in the sky and the others are following pretty much in order. The balloons are drifting and landing pretty much in order too. Their cars are shuttled over to where they are landing and they have to head to a railway station next. The Weaver family landed very close to a road and are hanging on a very crazy side of the mountain. They will be ok.

Back from commercial, everyone is heading to the railroad. They come to a detour. Spike it or steam it. Spike some rails or shovel and load 400 pounds of coal. Putting together the rails is proving to more manual the shoveling the coal. However, the Linz family took the lead. They are funny guys. The one brother bragged about it only taking him three strokes to get the nail in. His brothers were quick to point out he is the same way in bed too. The Weavers finished the coal first and are in third place. All the teams are heading to the Bonneville Salt Flats. They have to search for the tree of life. An art piece built there to add color the white salt flats.

Back from commercial the Godlewski family is fighting. They seem to hate the one sister. Linz family first and all the other teams are close together. The order has not changed. Well it has. The Linz family camera guy killed their battery. That sucks. They are going to a ranch now.

The godlewski family had to have someone turn their car around. They have to heard a bunch of cows at this ranch. The Linz family is in last and that stinks since it was not their fault. EAch of the families made an easy go of it. I think the cows were taught to run through the gates. They have to head to Yellow Stone Park to find old faithful. Set to go off at 4:28 and 92 minutes. The first two fams see it go off. The other two at 6pm..Now it is a race to to the ranch which is probably the last part of this leg. All cars converge. The first two families get there but it is not the end of the leg. Disbelief in their eyes and soul..When will this end.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turkey Day Apprentice

Clay was let go last wek since no one could get along with him. Tonight the Trump apartment is waiting to see who comes back. The two survivors Randal and Rebecca who really have not done much of nothing. Randy is upset that she said it but sadly the only thing he has done was go to his Grandmother's funeral. Randy is going to be the PM on the next task.

Back from commercial break...Trump Bar in the Trump tower is where they are meeting today. Week 10 and Bill is back and he is an idiot too. Today they are working with Shania Twain. They are going to market the product, wrap something and 10G to advertise. Team with the most calls on the 800 number wins the task. Randy and Rebecca are one team. Randy wants to put sandwich boards on people and have them walk around the city advertising the product. They did not talk to anyone about the product. Team Edge are trying to think about what to wrap. The one dude said the back of a horse carriage. Felisha suggested people. Little bit on fighting since Felisha is saying to get the carriages and horses wrapped would be major.

Back from commercial Randy and Rebecca found out there are only 10 megaphones and the other team got them. However, R&R are going to steal them which they did. A cab race ensuues and R&R get there first and take them. The edge peeps are really angry.. Another quick commercial break and we are seeing xmas ads again. Must be xmas..

Back from commercial The one team is wrapping carriages and complaining about the non english speaking people. R&R have a whole team of people ready to go. Rebecca sent a team to spanish harlem. Good move..It looks like his team is doing good. The carriage team is failing a bit. But they think they are winning. We now head to the board room where Carolyn and Bill are looking very serious. R&R got 978 and the other got 5 less. They get to hang out with Shanaia and have dinner.

Back from break and the two are going horse back riding. Randy cannot handle a horse. They then head to Oceana for dinner in the wine cellar. But they are drinking water. They are gonna ask her questions about success. A toast to Randy from Rebecca with honor and respect in winning but they really were very underhanded. Adam is with Alla trying to save his ass. So off to the board room. The three walk in. Donald comes in. Says how come you lost. The are getting beat up for not having enough people. The Donald says he is not firing Alla. Down to Adam and Felicia. Donald just told them they are the weakest and do not to be there. Now it is a free for all fight and Adam is the one asked to leave. Another one bites the dust. His idea to get the horses makes him look like a horses ass.

Survivor Thanksgiving

I have been in conference calls the past few weeks and have not been able to catch up.. Tonight I will. Jaime was voted off last week and he shouted blind sided nice. Probst was quick to point out the importance of what he said. Tonight we are down to a handful and looking to see who goes next.

The scene opens after many many xmas commercials. Ty from Extreme Home Makeover and Trading Spaces has quite a few. They are all going to bed and they wake to day 28 on the island. Gary is asking Lydia a lot of questions about who are the strongest 4 of the 7 left. Everyone is now talking within groups. It has become a game of teaming up now.

First up the reward challenge. They have three pots filled with corn and they will answer questions. If they get it right they will be able smash the other persons bowl of corn. They are hating on each other now. The challenge comes to Raif and Cindy. Cindy wins but she takes Raif.

Back at camp and Stephanie is letting everyone know that the rewards have been pretty even though everyone thinks she has eaten the best. They are starting to argue over the food situation. Meanwhile Raif and Cindy are at their spa like waterfall. They are eating and drinking Mojidos. Watermelon and shish Kabobs. Now they sample the warm and cool waters. They soap up and shower as they get ready for their massages. The island girls are there to give them their massages. Meanwhile back at camp they wait for them to come back. They tell them it really was not much but Lydia is pissed and the others are jealous. Steph, Raif, Judd, and Cindy are going to cut Lydia if they can.

After commercial they are up to immunity challenge. Probst will tell a story and they have to remember. They have to read a clue from a puzzle and then answer correctly. If they get it right they get a flag, if wrong a stick to throw on the fire. Gary and Raif are in the lead. Raif won in a footrace at the end. Gary could have won but looked weak on the run back. Raif is safe and it looks like Lydia is going to bite it. Can she twist the game to fit her needs.

Back from commercial Raif is surprised he won again. Steph thinks their aliance is strong. Gary is trying to get into their group. Raif made a major error by telling Gary that he does not trust Judd. So at 852pm EST on Tgiving night, we are back at tribal council. Probst is trying to stir the pot by talking to Lydia. Judd says he has never lied but he has. Was that his first lie. Gary just outed Judd as a liar. Too funny. Probst is in the back room counting the votes...Here we go... Gary, Cindy, Gary, Gary, Gary...Gary voted out...Probst right on again with his comments about no one going down without a fight.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


With Lisa going home last week, the girls are in shock. Kim is still talking about the Limo thing. Bre and her are talking about it and bonding again. Tyra mail says they will find out the pecking order in the morning. The reward challenge is to teach them how to pose. But extended posing. They go to Regent park and there they see Jay Alexander posd. The ladies are getting made into statues. The girls are posing and pigeons are landing on their heads. Some of the girls are freaking out. Nik and Bre did the best. Winner gets to go on a 15 g shopping spree. Nik won and she gets to take two friends. She picks Bre and Jayla to go shopping. Nicole and Bre are starting to butt heads now. Bre took Nicole's drink stuff and poured it down the drain. There was a brief wrestling match between Bre and Kim which was sexy but then it went to commercial.

Back from commercial. Nik and the girls are going to Harod via the Rolls Royce. Nicole and Kim are talking about the Bre incident. At Harod's they are getting a personal shopper and they are tearing through the store. They are done shopping and then they head off to their photo shoot. They are going to be posing but they are going to be posing as famous works of art. Mona Lisa, David, etc etc. Kim is trying to broker a peace deal but it back fired. Oh well.. Into commercial

Back from commercial.. So far Kim did pretty bad, Nik and Jayla did great. Nicole did a good job as well. Bre did a good job as well. Nicole and Bre and confronting each other. I just wish the girls would love each other, touch and maybe kiss a bit.. Make love not war is my motto.

Back from commercial..Tyra mail is there letting them know that the voting is tomorrow. Here we go. Nicole first not really great to me...but they like it. NIK next.. Did a good jo. Bre next.. Did a pretty good job...Kim's pix not that great but they liked them. Jayla pix was pretty good. Judges are going to deliberate. Bre is crying and then there is a huge argument after they left the judges area. Tyra lectured Bre a bit during her time but not too major but I think Bre is thinking they are seeing her as a theif. Question is, who took Bre's stuff??? If it was Nicole I think Bre was right then. Into commercial..

Back from commercial and Kim and Bre are arguing. Bre is calling Kim ugly..The judges are liking everyone.. They are leading us to believe they are cutting Bre, but probably not.

Here we go.....Nik....Jayla.....Nicole is next but I do not agree with it..Bre and Km left....could they both be gone. Bre is saved... and Kim is going..not sure I agree with that... I think Nicole and Jayla should go and the last three should have been Kim, Bre, and Nik.

And we are back

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


6 Ladies left tonight. There is one guy telling them hw to perform in the world. He showed them some photos of them that they did not know were being taken. Kim is a girl I think could go all the way. The girls think Kim talks negative. Bre asks Jayla if she talks behind their backs.

Back from break. The girls want to leave for England but there is one more shoot. Probably an ambush. They are heading out to Prints of the City.. Their passport photos were taken but it turns out that was the test. Bre won for being the most prepared. She also got a phone with messages from loved one to each girl. Now they are in the limo, and Kim hears Nik and Bre talking about her. Kim is trying to defend herself but she is crying and now Nicole is jumping in and so is everyone else and now they are trying to reconcile byt everyone hates her. I do not think she was being mean, just shooting the shit.

Back from commercial... They get picked up by Jay in London in a double decker. A chance for rebirth... They are staying at 212 in the Savoy... They turn the corner and they see all the photogs. Taking thier picks... They claim their new rooms and they are putting their problems aside. Nik and Bre get a tour of the city by horse and buggy. They are taking them to a fine dinner. The two are thankful for their night out and now they are in the cab going back and they are getting sad since they do not want to fight. They see a letter from the bed from Kim saying I am sorry but they blow it off. The poto shoot is called its your call. They have to pose together in a phone booth...Hair and makeup later the girls all stank asses and all are in the booth. Kim did good and Lisa did good and I think Bre did good and Nik.. I think Jayla and Nicole did the worse.

BAck from break with Tyra..The judges and rules are read and shown. Kim and Bre did good. Lisa did good too. Nicole did good too but Tyra thinks not. Jayla did good in one part but her phone booth photo looked bad. Nik next her one not good and her phone booth shot great. Judges deliberate in the break.

And the survivors are..... Kim, Bre, Nicole, Nik,...final two...Jayla and Lisa They pick Jayla and vote of Lisa.... Lisa is surprised. Took it like a man though..Gotta respect the chick.. But she is sad and in goodbye she is sad and crying.

American Music Awards

Some guy Chesney sang a song. I think he was married to someone once and he just sucks. Now they bring out Cedric the entertainer. Cedric doing his standup. Some safe jokes and a visual not looking to get shot. Too safe for Cedric.. Like someone cut his balls off. First off Shakira to the stage. She looks great. Favorite R&B female.. Mariah, Ciara, Fntasia, all three could win...Mariah won. She is looking a little large for the outfit she is wearing.

The show is done..Cedric is in the rafters. A bad sign for all shows. Nicole is up there too, but she is in Utah, Salt Lake. She is looking too thin.. Next two presenters Brookes and Dunn.. Now I am not sure what is going on but the one dude has a massive goatee (sp) on his face but they keep showing his ass and it is smaller than a 12 year old girls. It is actually quite disturbing. It looks atrophied. Not that I am checking out his ass but if they are going to float the little waifs ass in the screen shot, I cannot help but comment. God that guy makes the group look gay. Favorite country female. Matina McBride, Lehane Rhimes, Gretchen Wilson..Gonna bve Gretchen cause ABC has a special with her..Guess who won.. She did. What a pig. Now Emmy Rothum presenting... Introducing Rob Thomas

Been watching the show but it really sucks..I am bailing..See Kenny Chesney will win this one since he was there and has a show... and the winner is....

Monday, November 21, 2005

My Squirrel Story

Being an Audobon enthusiast, I know that fall brings with it great responsibilities. The responsibilities that I speak of are making sure that our friends with feathers are well fed. Now for all you metro sexuals out there, friends with feathers does not include your friend Ian who dresses as a boa clad Carol Channing. I am talking actual birds. Now this year is especially important because I hear that they are all getting winter colds. But during the cold months when food is scarce it is important that we provide them with seed, bread, and fat to help fill their bellies and make it through the cold winter nights. So on schedule I began feed the birds last week. Now each morning one or two show up on their perch and we chirp together before I leave for work. The birds seem to like when I, we sing and whistle the second verse to Moon River.

Two drifters, off to see the world,
There's such a lot of world to see,
We're after the same rainbows end,Waitin' 'round the bend,
My Huckleberry friend,
Moon River, and me!

Then it is off to work, how dee do dah day. Well that brings me to my story about the squirrel. Now, many do not know this about me but I can actually talk to the squirrels. A talent or ability I picked up after falling out of a tree when I was a child. No one was around when I fell and I was knocked out in the fall. But when I came to, I remember seeing a blurry squirrel face in my line of sight, and felt a cold little paw slapping me across the face.... and as I became more aware that I was coming out of my tree fall coma, I heard the rodent saying "are you ok, snap out of it" It faded into the chattering sound. Ever since that day, although I do not hear it in English anymore, I can chirp and hold conversations with squirrels. So yesterday I came home or lunch and found one squirrel in the bird feeder. Now this was not a country squirrel that I have become accustomed to speaking with. This was a hood rat squirrel with attitude. He had a reddish tone to his fur, I suspect he may be a blood. So I made noise to get him away from the feeder but it fell upon deaf rodent ears. I then began to chirp in his own language to him. He stood up and chirped back. This went on for about a minute with this squirrel becoming more aggressive with each passing chirp. Finally I said something that made him take a step back, look around, and then he left. I am not quite sure what I said to him. Perhaps my country squirrel dialect that did the trick

Saturday, November 19, 2005

My Friend CK and How I Punched Up Her Match Profile

The Original

Petite lady that is intelligent, independent minded, kind hearted, and genuine. I have passions for travel and horseback riding but also enjoy a variety of other activities that will satisfy my natural curiosity or just keep life exciting! I've spent a little time living overseas (studying in Hong Kong, UK, andEcuador), try to travel when I can or read about it when I can't. I am seeking someone who is interesting,intelligent, driven, genuine and honest. He might have a tough exterior but most importantly he will have abig heart. My occasional intensity will prove to be a turn-on not an intimidation, and my edgy sense of humor will lighten your mood. He would be open to new experiences and accept the fact that I'm far from perfect. We would grow to be best friends yet respect each other's independence. If you can STIMULATE myheart, mind, soul, and (fill I the blank here be creative or follow your instincts), I would love to hear from you.

My version:

Title: Looking for a Cowboy to Tame this Bucking Bronc

I am a petite babe, that is smart, independent thinking, kind hearted and real...And at can only mean one thing...Tie me up and I'll fall in love with you, but there is a chance I am going to escape and rock your world. I like to travel and I love to horseback ride. There is something about going somewhere where I do not live, and bouncing up and down in a frantic motion. That always satisfies this oober curious mind and keeps the men I keep company with on the their toes. Being the hands on bitch that I am, going to a great college over here was not enough. I went around the world and became a student of culture. I am versed in the karma sutra, the tantra method, and the NYC tunnel love job. I am a neolithic godess of love in the 21st century looking for a piece of carbon to polish into my love diamond. Oh yeah, and I know how to amortize a bond correctly. I am seeking a rightous dude, in a loose mood who is fun and honest and ready to put me in a blender with ice, a little vodka, and pour me out and drink me in. A big heart and a bigger you know what. Oh and you must have a job cause I will be damned if you harness this love nest and I have to pay for it. I'm the ho, not you. My occasional intensity is once a month and not permanent..But it does make me moody and ready to run off in search of Bin Laden and his merry men of the sand forest. If you can handle that then you my friend are an soldier in the army of CK and ready for promotion to the highest rank. And even though you may become the general in my bed and heart, we will never forget each others privates. Holla back.

I like my version better

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The CK Love Story Again

My Friend CK got another email from her Latin BF in Rio. She is a very conservative girl. No calls past nine, her underwear is earmarked for each day of the week. Except there are no undies for Sundy...That is God's day. God always hated undies...Just ask Eve. Anyway, her man from the land down below sent the following message and I am the one to translate for her. It reads as followed.

CK, I hope this note finds you well and in God's arms. However, I miss the way your voice makes my manhood stand like a beam in the building of a new house. Your voice is sweet as sugar in coffee. It makes the days pass quietly as my loins ache for you again. The passing of those days only makes me want to love you more. Marry me and grant me the green card that I so desire and we will make bootleg CDs to support our many babies. The actual text is below.

Ck, Oi estou com saudades e você esta bem, espero> que sim, võcê gostou do dvd , vou te mandar outros> que eu produzi, me passe seu endereço que vou te> passar o meu. >

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Last week's show was just a re-cap of the events so far this season..Story opens tonight with the girls getting home after Kyle was voted out. Kim the boy dyke is crying. Tomorrow they are going to meet with Eva, last years winner. They come upon her in a shoot and she looks so good. Eva Pigford.. What a name for such a pretty girl. She aint no pig. Eva also has a diva puppy. It was a very short visit. Coming back to the house, Lisa has cracked some wine open. She is acting crazy all dressed up with ugly teeth and a nappy wig. What is this girl doing. Most think she is just all crazy and shit.

Back after break and the girls get Tyra mail. They are going to the fashion district and there is a place with clothes and makeup. They meet up with a guy that looks a cartoon. You can see he had a chin implant and other work done. Looks creepy. The girls have to talk to two people who will give them a shot at a TV show.

Nik got choked up

Nicole used the good girl image. Nicole says she is crazy

Bre. Did not do too bad of a job the guy liked her

Jayla Jayle is boring them and going on and on. Just put them asleep

Kim They liked Kim as well.

Lisa. She started crying.

Kim was picked to be on Veronica Mars. Now she is on the set and it looks like she did a pretty good job. Lisa was overally supportive that she won.. So gay

Today's picture. Jay has met them on a roof, but I was on the phone. Jay is now telling them to be angry. Steve O and the MTV wild boyz.

Lisa is first and is doing a good job being angry with the boyz. Bree is up next and she is so not comfortable and hates it. Bree may lose because she is not willing to work with them.

Nicole is trying to be mad and is laughing. Not too good. Jayla only had one look they said. Nik was up and Steve O is jumping up and down and his dick is popping out. Kim is screaming as the people jump in a pool. Of course they grab her and throw her in the pool. Then after the shoot the girls are hanging out and wearing a diaper. Then she took a pee in it. Very classy lady.. Kind of funny though

Back from break the girls are getting ready to meet with Tyra to see who stays. Tyra standing as the girls come in and she looks great. Judges this year are not that great. First up for scrutiny is Jayla.. Not good.Looked up a blowup doll. NIK next pic was pretty good. Kim pic came out great as well. Lisa pic was not good. Bre next. Pic was great. Nicole pic I did not think was that bad. They did not like it. Judges meet

Who survives.....first to survive.....Bre, I love her. Kim, Nik, all good..Lisa..Leaving us with Nicole and Jayla... Both got sent home..Judges got very angry and then she said sike and we are going to London..What a happy ending tonight...No one goes home

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Evil Thing I Did

I did something that normally goes against everything I stand for. You see I live on a street that has many visitors.. No no, it is not on the Texas Mexican border and it is not on Starbucks Ave. But the street fills up since it is so close to Penn Station in Newark, and because of the great places to eat in the Ironbound. However over the past year there are a few things that have hurt my heart greatly that occur regularly on my street. One thing I cannot stand is people who litter. There is no need for it in our day and age. Even if you have a nice car and do not want the litter to clutter it up, can't you just wait until your next stop to rid the car of trash into the many public and non public trash receptacles?? Any way back to events of last Friday and how I became evil. I was going to bed early and my room overlooks the street. With the windows open in this warm November 2005, I can hear and see all the activity on the street. A car pulled up and the people got out to go to the salsa club a few doors down. But as they got out they poured all of the their beer bottles and trash into the gutter. I happen to be standing there, in my feather head dress and loin. As they walked away a tear fell from my left eye and slowly slid down my cheek. They walked away and I walked outside to correct the problem.. My heart ached. I walked to the gutter and in an act unlike me, took their trash and placed it under their tires. Two of the 4 bottles left on the street were placed under the rear tires of the car and the other two left there to give the illusion upon their return that they desecrated the street near my home. In my mind justice was served and I went to bed. Knowing that in a few hours I may awake once again as I hear them drive off.

Fast forward to 244 am. I had been up for a bit since people leaving the club are loud and me and the cats are light sleepers. Always on guard in the event of any type of emergency. It was then that I saw them come back to their car. I must admit it was kind of scary. I was about to watch the manifestation of the trap I set. The car started and I could hear the Billy Joel song Saigon, playing in my head. The car clicked into gear and pulled away....Two loud Pops....Pop pop milliseconds apart. The car stopped, they looked out but went on. I was laying low in my fox hole in the sky worrying about if they would get a flat but wallowing in the fact that I think I made them think about their littering actions. My friend CK thinks I am environmental Vigilante, exacting my vengeance on a willful but thoughtless public. Was I right, or was I wrong. What did my cats learn from this??

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Amazin Race

Tonight the Godlewski girls have to start out with no money no nuttin. The fighting family get to leave first which means they get to fight first. Tonight they head to Costa Rica. I have been there. Lets see where they go. San Jose is where my cousin Randy and I landed as we embarked on a journey in that country. The fighting family is trying to wipe out the Fla team. Someone should really wipe them out. I will say that the Gaughan family really have the right attitude. The race is secondary, showing the kids the world and its people paramount.

Back from commercial. Funn that is the same type car that I had to drive after we killed our car in Costa..Three on the tree as they say. The perv father is fighting with his daughters which is strange since he wants to make love to them each. They are going to the Volcano in San Jose which we were going to go to if the car did not break down. They then are heading to a coffee plantation. It is right near the volcano. Fight family yields the fla family. They nowhave to head to Jaco which is where we went . There was a little place there that had unlimited banana shakes, french toast, pancakes... For about a buck usd. Got some cigars there as well. We hung out at Jaco de Playa. I almost drown there. I got caught in a rip tide there and did everything right to get out but to no avail.

Back from commercial. The roads look much better from when we were there. The places are built up as well. Detour Relic or ripe. Collect bananas or collect trolls. It is bananas. The girls are fighting. The Linz family and Bransen girls are always having a fun time. They are doing relic and have to do the high bridge. After they are all done in Jaco they have to head to Quepos. The fighting family appears to be in first place. The weaver family is stuck in the mud.

It comes down to the final sprint... Wow oh wow what a hot chic they have standing next to the host. Fighting family won this leg and each get a sport vehicle. Jet ski etc..Linz second , bransen third. 4th to the Godlewski family. A race to the end. Weavers and Gaughans. 5th place to Weavers... Last place to the Guaghans. They were eliminated. They lasted longer than I thought they would.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Apprentice

With Christy gone last week, lets see who feels The Donald's wrath tonight. Some of the girls really wanted her back.

Donald is meeting the loser opportunistic crew and meet the Donald in the board room and already know the project manager. Carolyn and Bill are there. Donald and George are not there. Carolyn is in charge. Alla is capital edge's PM. She has to pick three to get rid of. Both sides swap losers. Tonight they are working with Dick's sporting good. They have to create a interactive sport expo and generate more business for Dick's. Both groups are coming up with ideas.. One golf and the other baseball. Lots of in fighting but I think baseball will win.

The baseball group will have a batting cage which is great but it is taking up the whole space. Randall is saying that Clay is difficult but Randall has really done nothing. Alla is right. Clay is a bitching woman times 1000. Alla is the hooker chic stripper whose BF or John killed someone in Arizona.

Baseball group is not selling things, and the other group knows nothing about golf but they are moving merchandise. Baseball group was actually taking hitting practice. Now they are in the board room. Donald is in LA playing golf. The Golf group improved by 74% and the baseball group's sales fell -34%. . Winning group gets a private flight to Montauk to go deep see fishing. They are fishing and then they get a private chef on the beach with a hot fire. Markus is a freak. The boyz are trying to figure out who to bring in. Funny that this is sometimes how some people are. Who can you blame it on rather than accept the fact you failed.

They are in the board room, Bill, Carolyn, and enter Donald. Donald is going to the Met tonight for dinner. Jen is getting ganged up on. However, Donald excuses 3 of them because they performed well and left 4 fighting for their lives.

Bill says Josh should go, Carolyn says the sales staff. Who will get fired tonight. Rhona is sending them back into the room. Jenn and Josh are fighting. But in a stunning turn of events all four got fired. In the cab ride away they all looked goofy.. Goof balls

Survivor (missed a week or so)

I have been on conference calls with Korea over the past few weeks and have not been able to watch survivor...OK it was on mute. But still hard to follow. Anyway we are back tonight and ready to go.

They are camp and people are showing all of their festerin wounds. REward challenge they have to wrap material around them, grab another person and wrap more. Then head to the finish and unwind. They are playing for chocolate and zip tour of the jungles on ropes flying through the woods. Yaxha won the reward. Stephanie is angry but the winners are happy. It was hard to move with so many people.

Yaxha is on the zip line. The zip line is a neat concept but I do not think they really saw much. At the end there was mounds of choc candies for them. Yaxha went and invited them over to go swimming and eat choc. Very nice but some thought they were up to something. Yaxha did something nice and it actually paid two fold.. Stephanie got mad at the ski instructor because he was so mistrusting.. Oh well

It is a time for the immunity challenge. People are getting ready for the merge. The two tribes arrive. Daunting music is being played. Team Puzzle Challenge. Find a piece in the sand and bring it back. Then put it together. The teams are pretty much neck and neck with two left. Digging and digging. Nakum won the challenge and they will not go to the council.

Back at camp we begin to see the throat cutting. Amy thinks she is going to get cut. She is trying get Danny and Gary to help her get Bobby John. At council on day 18, whoever gets three votes is gone tonight. Of course they will show Amy voting Bobby and vice versa. Probst to go tally the votes and let everyone know the score..Amy,,bobby john, amy, amy.. The alliance kept. Probst tells them they are merging tonight. And the two become 10.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Opens up and Nik is pissed and she should be. Jayla is lame and a theif. But Jayla says she is not mature. There comes Tyra, that cute little Heffer. Today they are doing all natural shots and the girls look great. Tyra mail arrives shortly there after. Nicole shouts they are going to Paris, but she is just playing. Jayla is saying that Kyle is dumb. That is not right. Jayla needs to go. The girls are at a aboot camp and in the mud. Most hate it some love it. Nicole was just lame. The person that had the most fun was Lisa. Nik's pants kept coming down. God these girls complain about everything but all they have to do is pose for the camera.

Bre is sent into to talk to women all covered in Mud. Lisa is very confident. Nik is saying she loves the mud, Jayla is saying she likes music, Kyle did a good job. They took polaroids of them. The women are telling them what is wrong. They pick Lisa to win the challenge. She does shine as much as you hate her. Lisa is going to a fashion expert. Todd meets her and he is giving her advice. Showing her how to work it. Tyra mail is there and Kim reads it. Vroom Vroom be up at 8. Moring is here and the girls meet Jaye. Product placement for Ford Fusion. They will be a 40s pin up girls.

Back from comercial. Lisa doing a great job. Jyal did good but has a lot of gums on her teeth. Nicole did bad. Kim is next and loks like a girl for once. Nik looked great. Kyle is next. Did a great job. Jayla is such a hater. Bre is freaking out. Poor Bre. She was hating the corset and did only ok. Nik thinks she is going home.

Here we go...the winners are..... But first they are given three minutes in a clothes room to put their look together.... Lisa first looks good, Nicole looks wierd, Bre in boxers and tank. She looks great. Kyle looked bad.. Jayla looked good bad teeth and gums. Kim looked good... And the winners are

Lisa picks looked good, Bre's looked good second not too great, Jayla's both looked bad, Nik's one looked good the other not bad. Nicole's one looked good and her pin up was bad. Kyle, both are ok. Kim, first was good and second was really good. Going to break and the winner is

Kim...Lisa...Nik....Jayla....Nicole....leaving Bre and Kyle Kyle is crying. Bre is stoic... Bre is picked and Kyle is crying hard. I still think Bre is the better choice.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Amazin Race

Tonight the teams leave New Orleans. They are heading to Panama City Panama. Once there to a research institute. Ther perv dad is talking about his sexy smart and great daughters. Off to the airport. Flight one takes off and gets into Panama at 639. The second around 9pm. Now they are all heading to this institute but it is one of those places that does not open up until 7 am so everyone is tied. Next morning and it is a boat race to some island. The Gaughan family is really enjoying the sights. One of the boats went off course to pick someone else up. The people in that boat are pissed. He turned back

On the island they are loking for Ricardo Diaz. He has a detour. Choose between Rythem, must find music instruments. Deliver them for the next clue. Or Coos. Find five local birds and circle them. Two teams are at the fast forward. One team has a guy afraid of heights. His dad and brutha went and now the scared guy and his mom are going...maybe not..the kid is freaking out..

Back from commercial and the scared one is screaming like a girl. Now since they did it the Gaughan family has to go back. First family at bird watch got it wrong...Other fams arriving. The fighting family gets there first and wins a trip to Panama... Weaver family is in second. They are off to the base ball field. Cut to the fams collecting the instruments. They are working together. At the ball field they have to get a base hit off a little league pitcher. Weavers got the first hit but they are freaks.

All tems are heading to the pit stop. Weavers are second. Third...the Bransen fam with pervert dad...Linz family are 4.. down to the Gaughans and the Godlewski..Footrace. Guaghans are team five and the Godlewskiw are the last to arrive. However they are not eliminated and they are wearing all of their clothes so they only lose thier money.

ANTM with Tyra

I missed the original last Wed so I get to watch it on encore. First I have to say that I have seen Tyra's talk show and it is not that great, but Tyra at her age today and not the rail thin chic she was back then is still smokin. That said....

The girls are back at the house and Nik was crying over Diane leaving. She is upset. Jayla is saying she is number 1. Coryn hates Lisa and so do others. She is getting loaded and naked. So great seeing a naked, drunk Lisa asking why people dont like her. Next day Jay shows up with Iman. Girls are putting food products on their faces like honey masks because their task is to do an interview and get their product across. Lisa is being too cocky. Jayla first hers was a little boring, Coryn, no idea what to do. Bre started fighting with them. Kim cheated by writing on her hand. Nik was ok. Missed one, Kyle just talked about the product. Did a good job. Lisa ended up blowing it. Kyle won and she gets one friend to go. She picks Nicole who has not gone before. Nicole and Coryn are hating on each other. Now they are yelling at each other. Lisa called Coryn a moran and Coryn called her a drunk ass bitch. Lisa is hurt. It goes to commercial but I know she will be crying when we come back.

Lisa said that no one has ever hated her in her life. The girls are talking. Now to Kyle and Nicole on their reward. They get to tape a show. The fabulous life. Lisa is causing problems with the taping. And she is very jealous. Lisa let out a nice burp. She is giving me the I am misunderstood routine. Bre is getting worried and goes out to wake her up outside. Now she is on the phone with her man and she is crying and now she is starting to hyperventilate. Bre is there though. Funny that she would choke Bre to win.

Tyra is there to give advice. Asking who smokes, a bunch do.. Lisa lies to Tyra and says she drinks but not a lot. Today they are doing a photo shoot, TV interview, and commercial. Girls in the chair to be secret. Lisa is first. Did a nice job Photo shoot looked good, and now the interview. Lisa did a good job. Nicole and Bre and Kyle did good as well. I would comment more but it went so fast. Coryn is doing a bad job on the commercial, but made it through. Her interview. Jayla went first and is afraid of the dark. Jayla stole Nik's line. Did good. Now Nik has to go and she is not relaxed. It is a shame since she is prettier then Jayla nd Jayla ripped her off. Jaye has to say something to Tyra cause it was a rip off. Lisa is now splitting the group by stirring the Jayla pot. I love it when girls fight. Hiss hiss rrggh rrghh (cat noise and I am making a swipe motion with my claws)

Back from commercial and they are going to meet with the judges. First up Nicole. Speaking voice nice, interview not good, and photo good. Jayla, commercial good and interview good. Shot was eehh. Coryn.. commercial not great, intreview not great, and photo good. Kyle, commercial not great, interview ok, but photo bad. Bre, commercial great, interview was good. Photo not that great. KIm was great as well in commercial, interview was good, and photo too. Lisa dressed like a freak.. Commerical is great, interview was good and the photo was good. Nik, interview was good, commercial not great, and photo good.

The winners are.......Lisa, Jayla, Kim, Nicole, Kyle, Bre, leaving us with Nik and Coryn. I do not agree with this..... They said Coryn was Sad, and Nik and her picture did not rock it. Nik is saved and Coryn was let go.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Amazin Race

Tonight the teams are ready to travel the country. From the disclaimer it looks like they are heading to New Orleans. Ya know they never come to Newark. I can see it now..In this detour teams choose between jacking a car or panhandle for money.... Anyway what does tonight have in store for each of our teams tonight. They are leaving from Alabama, Huntsville. Find the largest office chair in Alabama. One girl just dissed Alabama.. Having been there there are a lot of dead animals in the side of the road. Some down there call that dinner. I just call it sad. The Weaver freaks are in the car again praying. I do not know if God actually really cares about the Amazin Race. Maybe the Amazin Technicolor coat but not the vapid tv show. The fighting family. The family you love to hate. Wow tonights task was climbing a ladder to up a big chair. Wow. They are going to Talladega raceway. Oh no the one team's dad was killed by a race car, in the one episode the mother got run over by the buggy and now they are heading to a race track. Bransen family is there first. Thy have to do one lap. The Linz boys and girl are coming in next. Instead of driving the car though they have a five way bike to do the lap. The Weaver family are crying and the fighting family are fighting. Now they are heading to Hattisburg Mississippi to find the old Col. I thought sanders but it is a trailer park. The Sanders are in the park now and they are crying that they cannot do it since Daddy died on a track... What will they do. We will find out after the commercial brake. Now it is a challenge and they are breaking down the wall of pain. The fighting family are the last there. On the road the pervert dad with and his daughter see the Linz boys. The chicks chuck a moon which was blurred..Probably showed a little too much roast beef. The Linz and Perv Dad and daughters are the best times at 7:20. The Schroder family is freaking out.
Now the teams are heading to Madisonville MS. They have to find a BP and find a man named Les. Heading now to Fair View State Park in LA. The Perv dad is getting angry with the Linz boy are hitting on his meat. Alot of the teams are fighting right now. The Perv dad and Daughters and the Linz boyz are there first.. Saw a log or play 21. I say saw the log since each member playing 21 has to win each time three times. The fighting family is the first to finish because they took the log.. Now we are heading into New Orleans. This is the second time that an area has been devistated weeks after they have left a location. Could CBS be taking the world over one show at a time wreaking death and destructtion in their wake. Maybe God is watching the show.

Back from commercial break. The blonde chicks are always crying. The Guaghan family are very supportive and they really do carry the kids. First to arrive at Preservation hall are is the Perv dad and daughters. Fighting family second, the Linz family three.. Crazy blonde chicks 4..Number 5 being the Weavers, 6 being the Gaughain family... Last family to arrive are the schroders. A few minutes did count. They have been eliminated. They are all crying. Dad to the blame and he deserves it since he really screwed up so bad. It is a good thing they live close and rather ironic

Friday, October 14, 2005

News Flash

On the news tonight there was a story about a robbery and hostage situation in a Foodtown in Cedar Knolls, NJ. 8 night employees were locked in a freezer for 8 hours. Ironic since it was the grocery store I managed at night and on the weekends as I worked my way through college.
The NJ 12 story on the event is here. Iam happy that it turned out well for everyone. I loved that job. So much fun greeting and managing the peeps. I could opine for hours on some funny stories

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

America's Next Top Model

Tonight the girls are hanging loose. And by loose I mean they are getting drunk and getting naked. Complete with pics. For the challenge Twiggy is helping out with advice. She is telling them about the her hair and how they made her look like a boy. Bre is asking how she does not look good picks but does good everywhere else. They only show two questions. Now they are doing their own and others negatives. At the end he asks if they learned things. They all said yes. What they learned is what an ass Lisa is.

Coryne goes to Lisa and tells her dont talk to her. Now Lisa is hurt. But now Tyra mail has come. Miss J is telling the girls about the photo challenge. They are going to accent the flaw and hide. Bre smiled wide for big teeth and hide. Diane. Curves. Jayla is ears. Nik big eyes. Coryne too muscular..Lazy eye. Lisa..Pale for nicole..Short neck for Kyle.. Kim narrow hips and now they are done. The winner goes to a spa. Kyle won and took Kim and Coryn. Lisa is jealous. But now the girls at the spa are going off on Lisa. Girls have to be ready at 5 am for the next day. Arrive at the studio and there is a surgical set.Taking plastic surgury to the edge. The return of Janice. Banged from the show and now brought back. I hated her but I do miss her.

Janice is making people crazy. She is addressing Lisa as the punk she is. This is good. Now Lisa is crying how funny is that. She is offended. Janice gets Nik Naked. Kim has the big boobs. Janice did a nice job with her job. Tyra mail has the girls talking about their mortality as it applies to the game.

Vote off. The models are telling them about their weakness and why they should be hired. The girls were less then spectacular. Diane they said was nervous. Best shot..Not a bad pick. Kim, not a great pick. Lisa, had a great shot once again. Coryn comes across sad. Pic was good. Kyle lips looked good..Booty Jala and it looked good..Nicole all sunburn. Not great. Nik looked good. Bre's photo was good..Should be Kim and Nicole. Tyra is ready to read off the names of who will make it.

Kyle, Jayla, Nik, Lisa, Nicole, Kim, Coryn,....Bre and Diane are left...Winner is Bre...Diane lost...She was a sweet girl.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Amazin Race

Teams are flying to South Carolina as the show begins. Down to 8 teams. Going to Washington Dulles to catch their flight. They are down to 8 teams. The one pervy father is still so happy to be around his daughters. I know when they get back to town the cops will most likely be digging up the bodies of other young girls in his front yard. It is pretty lame that they get limo service to the airport. Thought they had to do things for themselves. I miss Boston Rob. I am wondering if he is divorced yet?? The fighting family is doing what they do best. Bitch aet each other.

Back from commercial and it seems that the cars are waiting on the tarmac for these families. They are getting to the detour. Bubba Gump, they have to dehead 200 lbs of shrimp. Or go to the mud bogg and race around the track. Funny how the car of choice is a huge SUV during this extreme gas crisis in America. What are they telling us??? It is split. Some doing Mudd and others the shrimp. The blonde chicks are stuck. Best line...Great guns though... Mudd bogg too hard. They are quitting. Now they get to take a bus to a mystery destination?? The little kids went into the challenge with their parents and just kicked everyone's ass. Back to the father and his son in laws.

They finally made it through. The fighting family just fought the whole time doing the shrimp. Bus 2 is heading to its mystery location. They are heading to huntsville AL going to the space and rocket center. Bus one is there in 8 hours. They endure

First Family: Bransen are the first and they get free gas for the next leg. Meanwhile the Chicks with the mom are acting crazy. All the others think they have snapped. Anyway they have all stopped at the waffle house for a bite. Now, you have not lived until you have eaten at a waffle house. Having been to one a few months ago for the first time in years I was happy to take my home fries scattered, covered, and smothered.. Last four teams are in Alabama. Shroder family is team three and the Godlewski Family is team 4. Weavers are team 5. The fighting family are in 6th place but fighting. The Gaghan family is in 7 and the son in laws at 8th place. The fighting family are going the wrong way. It is now a foot race. Fighting gamily is 6, kids family is 7 and the son in laws are in last. They have been eliminated. I am surprised that they are out so soon.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Our President. E. Pluirubus Idiot

We look forward to hearing your vision, so we can more better do our job. That's what I'm telling you." —George W. Bush, Gulfport, Miss., Sept. 20, 2005

"If it were to rain a lot, there is concern from the Army Corps of Engineers that the levees might break. And so, therefore, we're cautious about encouraging people to return at this moment of history." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2005

"Listen, I want to thank leaders of the — in the faith — faith-based and community-based community for being here." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 6, 2005
"So please give cash money to organizations that are directly involved in helping save lives — save the life who had been affected by Hurricane Katrina." —George W. Bush, Washington D.C., Sept. 6, 2005

"I can't wait to join you in the joy of welcoming neighbors back into neighborhoods, and small businesses up and running, and cutting those ribbons that somebody is creating new jobs." —George W. Bush, Poplarville, Miss., Sept. 5, 2005

"And Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." —George W. Bush, to FEMA director Michael Brown who resigned 10 days later amid criticism over his job performance, Mobile, Ala., Sept. 2, 2005

"We've got a lot of rebuilding to do. First, we're going to save lives and stabilize the situation. And then we're going to help these communities rebuild. The good news is -- and it's hard for some to see it now -- that out of this chaos is going to come a fantastic Gulf Coast, like it was before. Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house -- he's lost his entire house -- there's going to be a fantastic house. And I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch." (Laughter) --George W. Bush, touring hurricane damage, Mobile, Ala., Sept. 2, 2005

"My thoughts are, we're going to get somebody who knows what they're talking about when it comes to rebuilding cities." —George W. Bush, on rebuilding New Orleans, Biloxi, Miss., Sept. 2, 2005

"Americans should be prudent in their use of energy during the course of the next few weeks. Don't buy gas if you don't need it." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 1, 2005
"It's totally wiped out. ... It's devastating, it's got to be doubly devastating on the ground." —George W. Bush, turning to his aides while surveying Hurricane Katrina flood damage from Air Force One , Aug. 31, 2005

"The best place for the facts to be done is by somebody who's spending time investigating it." —George W. Bush, on the probe into how CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity was leaked, Washington D.C., July 18, 2005
"I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep on the soil of a friend." —George W. Bush, on visiting Denmark, Washington D.C., June 29, 2005

"I was going to say he's a piece of work, but that might not translate too well. Is that all right, if I call you a 'piece of work'?" —George W. Bush to Jean-Claude Juncker, prime minister of Luxembourg, Washington, D.C., June 20, 2005

"The relations with, uhh — Europe are important relations, and they've, uhh — because, we do share values. And, they're universal values, they're not American values or, you know — European values, they're universal values. And those values — uhh — being universal, ought to be applied everywhere." —George W. Bush, at a press conference with European Union dignitaries, Washington, D.C., June 20, 2005

"You see, not only did the attacks help accelerate a recession, the attacks reminded us that we are at war." —George W. Bush, on the Sept. 11 attacks, Washington, D.C., June 8, 2005
"And the second way to defeat the terrorists is to spread freedom. You see, the best way to defeat a society that is — doesn't have hope, a society where people become so angry they're willing to become suiciders, is to spread freedom, is to spread democracy." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., June 8, 2005

"It seemed like to me they based some of their decisions on the word of — and the allegations — by people who were held in detention, people who hate America, people that had been trained in some instances to disassemble — that means not tell the truth." —George W. Bush, on an Amnesty International report on prisoner abuse at Guantanamo Bay, Washington, D.C., May 31, 2005 (Listen to audio)

"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." —George W. Bush, Greece, N.Y., May 24, 2005 (Listen to audio)

"We discussed the way forward in Iraq, discussed the importance of a democracy in the greater Middle East in order to leave behind a peaceful tomorrow." —George W. Bush, Tbilisi, Georgia, May 10, 2005

"I think younger workers — first of all, younger workers have been promised benefits the government — promises that have been promised, benefits that we can't keep. That's just the way it is." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 4, 2005

"It means your own money would grow better than that which the government can make it grow. And that's important." —George W. Bush, on what private accounts could do for Social Security funds, Falls Church, Va., April 29, 2005

"It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005

"We expect the states to show us whether or not we're achieving simple objectives — like literacy, literacy in math, the ability to read and write." —George W. Bush, on federal education requirements, Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005

"He understands the need for a timely write of the constitution." —George W. Bush, on Prime Minister Iyad Allawi of Iraq, Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005

"Well, we've made the decision to defeat the terrorists abroad so we don't have to face them here at home. And when you engage the terrorists abroad, it causes activity and action." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005

"But Iraq has — have got people there that are willing to kill, and they're hard-nosed killers. And we will work with the Iraqis to secure their future." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005
"We have enough coal to last for 250 years, yet coal also prevents an environmental challenge." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 20, 2005

"Part of the facts is understanding we have a problem, and part of the facts is what you're going to do about it." —George W. Bush, Kirtland, Ohio, April 15, 2005

"I'm going to spend a lot of time on Social Security. I enjoy it. I enjoy taking on the issue. I guess, it's the Mother in me." —George W. Bush, Washington D.C., April 14, 2005

"We look forward to analyzing and working with legislation that will make — it would hope — put a free press's mind at ease that you're not being denied information you shouldn't see." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 14, 2005

"I want to thank you for the importance that you've shown for education and literacy." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 13, 2005

"I understand there's a suspicion that we—we're too security-conscience." —George W. Bush, Washington D.C., April 14, 2005

"If they pre-decease or die early, there's an asset base to be able to pass on to a loved one." —George W. Bush, on Social Security money held in private accounts, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, March 30, 2005

"In this job you've got a lot on your plate on a regular basis; you don't have much time to sit around and wander, lonely, in the Oval Office, kind of asking different portraits, 'How do you think my standing will be?'" —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., March 16, 2005

"In terms of timetables, as quickly as possible — whatever that means." —George W. Bush, on his time frame for shoring up Social Security, Washington D.C., March 16, 2005

"I repeat, personal accounts do not permanently fix the solution." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., March 16, 2005

"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And having said that, all options are on the table." —George W. Bush, Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 22, 2005

"If you're a younger person, you ought to be asking members of Congress and the United States Senate and the president what you intend to do about it. If you see a train wreck coming, you ought to be saying, what are you going to do about it, Mr. Congressman, or Madam Congressman?" —George W. Bush, Detroit, Mich., Feb. 8, 2005

"Because the — all which is on the table begins to address the big cost drivers. For example, how benefits are calculate, for example, is on the table; whether or not benefits rise based upon wage increases or price increases. There's a series of parts of the formula that are being considered. And when you couple that, those different cost drivers, affecting those — changing those with personal accounts, the idea is to get what has been promised more likely to be — or closer delivered to what has been promised. Does that make any sense to you? It's kind of muddled. Look, there's a series of things that cause the — like, for example, benefits are calculated based upon the increase of wages, as opposed to the increase of prices. Some have suggested that we calculate — the benefits will rise based upon inflation, as opposed to wage increases. There is a reform that would help solve the red if that were put into effect. In other words, how fast benefits grow, how fast the promised benefits grow, if those — if that growth is affected, it will help on the red." —George W. Bush, explaining his plan to save Social Security, Tampa, Fla., Feb. 4, 2005

"You work three jobs? … Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that." —George W. Bush, to a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005

"After all, Europe is America's closest ally." —George W. Bush, Mainz, Germany, Feb. 23, 2005

"I'm also mindful that man should never try to put words in God's mouth. I mean, we should never ascribe natural disasters or anything else to God. We are in no way, shape, or form should a human being, play God." —George W. Bush, ABC's 20/20, Washington D.C., Jan. 14, 2005

"I want to appreciate those of you who wear our nation's uniform for your sacrifice." —George W. Bush, Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 14, 2005

"I speak plainly sometimes, but you've got to be mindful of the consequences of the words. So put that down. I don't know if you'd call that a confession, a regret, something." —George W. Bush, speaking to reporters, Washington, D.C., Jan. 14, 2005

"Who could have possibly envisioned an erection — an election in Iraq at this point in history?" —George W. Bush, at the white House, Washington, D.C., Jan. 10, 2005

"We need to apply 21st-century information technology to the health care field. We need to have our medical records put on the I.T." —George W. Bush, Collinsville, Ill., Jan. 5, 2005

"I believe we are called to do the hard work to make our communities and quality of life a better place." —George W. Bush, Collinsville, Ill., Jan. 5, 2005

"It's a time of sorrow and sadness when we lose a loss of life." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 21, 2004

"They can get in line like those who have been here legally and have been working to become a citizenship in a legal manner." —George W. Bush, on immigrant workers, Washington, D.C., Dec. 20, 2004

"And so during these holiday seasons, we thank our blessings." —George W. Bush, Fort Belvoir, Va., Dec. 10, 2004

"Justice ought to be fair." —George W. Bush, speaking at the White House Economic Conference, Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2004

"The president and I also reaffirmed our determination to fight terror, to bring drug trafficking to bear, to bring justice to those who pollute our youth." —George W. Bush, speaking with Chilean President Ricardo Lagos, Santiago, Chile, Nov. 21, 2004

"We thought we were protected forever from trade policy or terrorist attacks because oceans protected us." —George W. Bush, speaking to business leaders at APEC Summit, Santiago, Chile, Nov. 20, 2004

"I always jest to people, the Oval Office is the kind of place where people stand outside, they're getting ready to come in and tell me what for, and they walk in and get overwhelmed in the atmosphere, and they say, man, you're looking pretty." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Nov. 4, 2004

"I have a record in office, as well. And all Americans have seen that record. September the 4th, 2001, I stood in the ruins of the Twin Towers. It's a day I will never forget." —George W. Bush, Marlton, New Jersey, Oct. 18, 2004

"After standing on the stage, after the debates, I made it very plain, we will not have an all-volunteer army. And yet, this week — we will have an all-volunteer army!" —George W. Bush, Daytona Beach, Fla., Oct. 16, 2004 (Watch video or listen to audio)

"I hear there's rumors on the Internets that we're going to have a draft." —George W. Bush, second presidential debate, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8, 2004 (Watch video or listen to audio)

"The truth of that matter is, if you listen carefully, Saddam would still be in power if he were the president of the United States, and the world would be a lot better off." —George W. Bush, second presidential debate, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8, 2004

"When a drug comes in from Canada, I wanna make sure it cures ya, not kill ya... I've got an obligation to make sure our government does everything we can to protect you. And one — my worry is that it looks like it's from Canada, and it might be from a third world." —George W. Bush, second presidential debate, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8, 2004

"We all thought there was weapons there, Robin. My opponent thought there was weapons there." —George W. Bush, second presidential debate, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8, 2004

"Let me see where to start here. First, the National Journal named Senator Kennedy the most liberal senator of all." —George W. Bush, referring to Sen. Kerry, second presidential debate, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8, 2004

"I own a timber company? That's news to me. Need some wood?" —George W. Bush, second presidential debate, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8, 2004

"Another example would be the Dred Scott case, which is where judges, years ago, said that the Constitution allowed slavery because of personal property rights. That's a personal opinion. That's not what the constitution says. The constitution of the United States says we're all — you know, it doesn't say that. It doesn't speak to the equality of America." —George W. Bush, second presidential debate, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8, 2004

"The enemy understands a free Iraq will be a major defeat in their ideology of hatred. That's why they're fighting so vociferously." —George W. Bush, first presidential debate, Coral Gables, Fla., Sept. 30, 2004

"You know, it's hard work to try to love her as best as I can, knowing full well that the decision I made caused her loved one to be in harm's way." —George W. Bush, first presidential debate, Coral Gables, Fla., Sept. 30, 2004

"I think it's very important for the American President to mean what he says. That's why I understand that the enemy could misread what I say. That's why I try to be as clearly I can." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 23, 2004

"I saw a poll that said the right track/wrong track in Iraq was better than here in America. It's pretty darn strong. I mean, the people see a better future." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 23, 2004

"I'm not the expert on how the Iraqi people think, because I live in America, where it's nice and safe and secure." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 23, 2004

"It's the Afghan national army that went into Najaf and did the work there." —George W. Bush, referring to Iraqi troops during a joint press conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, Washington, D.C., Sept. 23, 2004

"The CIA laid out several scenarios and said life could be lousy, life could be OK, life could be better, and they were just guessing as to what the conditions might be like." —George W. Bush, New York City, Sept. 21, 2004

"Free societies are hopeful societies. And free societies will be allies against these hateful few who have no conscience, who kill at the whim of a hat." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 17, 2004

"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country." —George W. Bush, Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004 (Watch video clip or listen to audio)

"We will make sure our troops have all that is necessary to complete their missions. That's why I went to the Congress last September and proposed fundamental — supplemental funding, which is money for armor and body parts and ammunition and fuel." —George W. Bush, Erie, Pa., Sept. 4, 2004

"Had we to do it over again, we would look at the consequences of catastrophic success, being so successful so fast that an enemy that should have surrendered or been done in escaped and lived to fight another day." —George W. Bush, telling Time magazine that he underestimated the Iraqi resistance

"They've seen me make decisions, they've seen me under trying times, they've seen me weep, they've seen me laugh, they've seen me hug. And they know who I am, and I believe they're comfortable with the fact that they know I'm not going to shift principles or shift positions based upon polls and focus groups." —George W. Bush, interview with USA Today, Aug. 27, 2004

"I hope you leave here and walk out and say, 'What did he say?'" —George W. Bush, Beaverton, Oregon, Aug. 13, 2004

"So community colleges are accessible, they're available, they're affordable, and their curriculums don't get stuck. In other words, if there's a need for a certain kind of worker, I presume your curriculums evolved over time." —George W. Bush, Niceville, Fla., Aug. 10, 2004

"Let me put it to you bluntly. In a changing world, we want more people to have control over your own life." —George W. Bush, Annandale, Va, Aug. 9, 2004

"As you know, we don't have relationships with Iran. I mean, that's — ever since the late '70s, we have no contacts with them, and we've totally sanctioned them. In other words, there's no sanctions — you can't — we're out of sanctions." —George W. Bush, Annandale, Va, Aug. 9, 2004

"Tribal sovereignty means that; it's sovereign. I mean, you're a — you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And therefore the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities." —George W. Bush, speaking to minority journalists, Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 2004 (Watch video clip or listen to audio)

"We actually misnamed the war on terror. It ought to be the Struggle Against Ideological Extremists Who Do Not Believe in Free Societies Who Happen to Use Terror as a Weapon to Try to Shake the Conscience of the Free World." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 2004

"I cut the taxes on everybody. I didn't cut them. The Congress cut them. I asked them to cut them." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 2004

"I wish I wasn't the war president. Who in the heck wants to be a war president? I don't." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 2004

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004 (Watch video clip or listen to audio)

"We stand for things." —George W. Bush, Davenport, Iowa, Aug. 5, 2004

'I don't know why you're talking about Sweden. They're the neutral one. They don't have an army.'' --George W. Bush, during an Oval Office meeting with Rep. Tom Lantos, as reported by the New York Times

"Give me a chance to be your president and America will be safer and stronger and better." —Still-President George W. Bush, Marquette, Michigan, July 13, 2004

"I mean, if you've ever been a governor of a state, you understand the vast potential of broadband technology, you understand how hard it is to make sure that physics, for example, is taught in every classroom in the state. It's difficult to do. It's, like, cost-prohibitive." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., June 24, 2004

"And I am an optimistic person. I guess if you want to try to find something to be pessimistic about, you can find it, no matter how hard you look, you know?" —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., June 15, 2004

"I want to thank my friend, Senator Bill Frist, for joining us today. You're doing a heck of a job. You cut your teeth here, right? That's where you started practicing? That's good. He married a Texas girl, I want you to know. Karyn is with us. A West Texas girl, just like me." —George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., May 27, 2004

"I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 25, 2004

"Like you, I have been disgraced about what I've seen on TV that took place in prison." —George W. Bush, Parkersburg, West Virginia, May 13, 2004

"My job is to, like, think beyond the immediate." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 21, 2004

"They could still be hidden, like the 50 tons of mustard gas on a turkey farm." —George W. Bush, on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, Washington, D.C. , April 13, 2004

"This has been tough weeks in that country." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 13, 2004

"Coalition forces have encountered serious violence in some areas of Iraq. Our military commanders report that this violence is being insticated by three groups." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 13, 2004

"Obviously, I pray every day there's less casualty." —George W. Bush, Fort Hood, Texas, April 11, 2004

"We're still being challenged in Iraq and the reason why is a free Iraq will be a major defeat in the cause of freedom." —George W. Bush, Charlotte, N.C., April 5, 2004

"Earlier today, the Libyan government released Fathi Jahmi. She's a local government official who was imprisoned in 2002 for advocating free speech and democracy." —George W. Bush, citing Jahmi, who is a man, in a speech paying tribute to women reformers during International Women's Week, Washington, D.C., March 12, 2004

"The march to war hurt the economy. Laura reminded me a while ago that remember what was on the TV screens — she calls me, 'George W.' — 'George W.' I call her, 'First Lady.' No, anyway — she said, we said, march to war on our TV screen." —George W. Bush, Bay Shore, New York, Mar. 11, 2004

"God loves you, and I love you. And you can count on both of us as a powerful message that people who wonder about their future can hear." —George W. Bush, Los Angeles, Calif., March 3, 2004

"Recession means that people's incomes, at the employer level, are going down, basically, relative to costs, people are getting laid off." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Feb. 19, 2004
"Joe, I don't do nuance." —George W. Bush to Sen. Joseph Biden, as quoted in Time, Feb. 15, 2004

"The march to war affected the people's confidence. It's hard to make investment. See, if you're a small business owner or a large business owner and you're thinking about investing, you've got to be optimistic when you invest. Except when you're marching to war, it's not a very optimistic thought, is it? In other words, it's the opposite of optimistic when you're thinking you're going to war." —George W. Bush, Springfield, Mo., Feb. 9, 2004

"But the true strength of America is found in the hearts and souls of people like Travis, people who are willing to love their neighbor, just like they would like to love themselves." —George W. Bush, Springfield, Mo., Feb. 9, 2004

"In my judgment, when the United States says there will be serious consequences, and if there isn't serious consequences, it creates adverse consequences." —George W. Bush, Meet the Press, Feb. 8, 2004

"There is no such thing necessarily in a dictatorial regime of iron-clad absolutely solid evidence. The evidence I had was the best possible evidence that he had a weapon." —George W. Bush, Meet the Press, Feb. 8, 2004

"The recession started upon my arrival. It could have been — some say February, some say March, some speculate maybe earlier it started — but nevertheless, it happened as we showed up here. The attacks on our country affected our economy. Corporate scandals affected the confidence of people and therefore affected the economy. My decision on Iraq, this kind of march to war, affected the economy." —George W. Bush, Meet the Press, Feb. 8, 2004

"We do know that Saddam Hussein had the intent and the capabilities to cause great harm. We know he was a great danger….What we don't know yet is what we thought and what the Iraqi Survey Group has found, and we want to look at that." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C. Feb. 2, 2004

"My views are one that speaks to freedom." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 2004

"See, one of the interesting things in the Oval Office — I love to bring people into the Oval Office — right around the corner from here — and say, this is where I office, but I want you to know the office is always bigger than the person." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 2004

"More Muslims have died at the hands of killers than — I say more Muslims — a lot of Muslims have died — I don't know the exact count — at Istanbul. Look at these different places around the world where there's been tremendous death and destruction because killers kill." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 2004

"Then you wake up at the high school level and find out that the illiteracy level of our children are appalling." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 23, 2004 (Listen to audio clip)

"Just remember it's the birds that's supposed to suffer, not the hunter." —George W. Bush, advising quail hunter and New Mexico Sen. Pete Domenici, Roswell, N.M., Jan. 22, 2004

"For diplomacy to be effective, words must be credible, and no one can now doubt the word of America." —George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, Jan. 20, 2004

"I want to thank the astronauts who are with us, the courageous spacial entrepreneurs who set such a wonderful example for the young of our country." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C. Jan. 14, 2004

"I was a prisoner too, but for bad reasons." —George W. Bush, to Argentine President Nestor Kirchner, on being told that all but one of the Argentine delegates to a summit meeting were imprisoned during the military dictatorship, Monterrey, Mexico, Jan. 13, 2004

"One of the most meaningful things that's happened to me since I've been the governor — the president — governor — president. Oops. Ex-governor. I went to Bethesda Naval Hospital to give a fellow a Purple Heart, and at the same moment I watched him—get a Purple Heart for action in Iraq — and at that same — right after I gave him the Purple Heart, he was sworn in as a citizen of the United States — a Mexican citizen, now a United States citizen." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 9, 2004

"And if you're interested in the quality of education and you're paying attention to what you hear at Laclede, why don't you volunteer? Why don't you mentor a child how to read?" —George W. Bush, St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 5, 2004

"So thank you for reminding me about the importance of being a good mom and a great volunteer as well." —George W. Bush, St. Louis, Mos., Jan. 5, 2004